Chapter 23: Love & War

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Sometimes you're my enemy and I'm throwing grenades...

1 week later

Kenny pulled the door open and smiled at Toni's best friend Jada.

"Hey." He greeted pulling her into a hug. "Yoh!" She said back as Kenny stepped to the side.

"Come in." He said, Toni probably called her.

Jada walked in taking in the atmosphere before her, it was quiet and felt like it was shorting something.

"I haven't seen or heard from y'all in a good couple of months. The last time me and Toni was at the gender reveal." Jada faced Kenny.

Kenny frowned, "so than... what brings you by?" Kenny raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"Jada?" Toni asked from the stairs.

They both faced her, Kenny frowned as Jada smiled at her.

"Hey bestie." Jada grinned, "I brought you a little gift." Jada added remembering now that she was holding a gift bag.

She held the gift bag up excitedly swinging it from side to side causing Toni to smile weakly at her.

"What's wrong?" Jada questioned immediately frowning, she didn't know...

"I'll take that-"

"No!" Toni interrupted Kenny, "its fine." Toni said coming down the stairs approaching them.

Jada arched her brow noticing Toni had lost a lot of weight. She looked over at Kenny and he did the same, giving her a sympathetic look. Jada swallowed her saliva.

"Maybe this gift wasn't the best idea." Jada said lowly, "I'll just hold onto this a little longe-"

"What do you mean?" Toni raised her eyebrows, she looked between Kenny and Jada before quickly snatching the gift bag from Jada.

"Toni..." They both trailed off in unison but it was already too late she had already pulled the onesie out of the baby blue gift bag.

"I'm so sorry Toni, I didn't know." Jada began as tears already began to run down Toni's face.

"I apologize-"

"Get out." Toni calmly said, "but Toni-"

"I said get out! Leave! Get out!" Toni yelled tossing her gift bag along with the onesie right at her.

She quickly caught the gift bag as she bent down to pick the onesie up.

"I'm so sorry for your loss-"

"I forbid you from speaking of my miscarriage." Toni sternly said before she walked away.

Kenny stood frozen as he watched the scene go down before him.

"She's taking it one day at a time. Excuse her." He said rubbing her back walking her out.

Silence surrounded the atmosphere, the house was so quiet you could hear a feather drop. Kenny looked towards Toni watching how she stared down at her food, fiddling with it as if she were a toddler.

"I made your favorite." Kenny said breaking the ice.

She said nothing.

"Will you at least talk to me." Kenny said.

She remained silent.

"Well at least eat your food-"

"I'm not hungry." She simply said pushing her plate away from her, she got up and was prepared to walk out but froze in her tracks and faced him. "You're so nonchalant about this, we lost our son Kenny!" She shouted.

"What do you mean? What am I suppose to do?" He asked calmly.

"Grieve!" She yelled.

"I am grieving!" He yelled back. "Than act like it!" She spat. "We can't both grieve out loud, I am trying to be strong for the both of us Toni..." He trailed off dropping his head.

"Now you wanna be strong... you couldn't be strong when you made that stupid decision-"

"Don't go there with me-"

"If I had to choose between you and the baby I wouldn't have hesitated to save my baby's life. You have to choose your children! All the time!" She screamed in frustration.

Kenny looked up at her and tucked his bottom lip into his mouth.

"I'm sorry if what I did hurts you, it hurts me too. You constantly remind me of it, I know I'm a horrible person. I know Toni, but our son is gone!" He screamed back standing up.

"And whose fault is that?!" She loudly asked looking up at him. "Yours!" They both shouted in unison.

He swallowed his saliva before he looked away. Toni stared at him with anger inside of her, tears began to stream down her face. Is this blaming game going to be the end of this marriage?

"I'm going to my moms." Kenny said before he brushed past her.

She placed her hands down on the table before her head began to spin, she didn't feel well at all and before she knew it she blacked out and hit the ground.

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