+What He Loves About You+

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Dean=                                                                                                                                                                                     Dean loves that you are not afraid of anything or anyone. He wants to keep you safe and is always telling you to stay back from missions and stuff but you tell him to shut up and you go anyway.

Sam=                                                                                                                                                                                       Sam and your relationship is full of care and love. You both are very open about things and only trust each other. He loves how honest you are and how you tell him if anything is bothering you instead of holding it back. 

Castiel=                                                                                                                                                                                  Being with Cas is kind of hard sense he is not fully aware of human feelings or emotions. He doesn't know what he is feeling quite yet but he does know that he loves the way you take control of bad situations. He loves it when you take action and come up with plans.

Crowley=                                                                                                                                                                                 Crowley is IN LOVE with your ambition. You will get what you want without question and wont let anyone get in your way. He loves that about you. He loves that you don't let anyone get in your way.

Gabriel=                                                                                                                                                                                 Gabriel loves how smart you are. You would think that he doesn't care about this kind of stuff but, he does a lot. You are different from all the other girls. You are smarter and you don't care what people think about you. 

Yay! This is my first story on here or.. start of a story I guess... anyway. I used to have a Wattpad account but deleted it. So I write on here now. Tell me what you think!

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