~Jack~ Late Night Confessions

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You sat up on the couch. You had fallen asleep again while watching T.V. You woke up to the sound of someone in your kitchen You took your gun and slowly walked into the kitchen. You flipped on the light and saw Jack. Your best friend was eating your chocolate at 12 in the morning. You put your gun down and laughed.

"Jack? What in the world are you doing?" you asked walking up to him.

"I was hungry and I know you keep good food." he said smiling at you then taking another bite. You grabbed the bag of chocolate and walked to the couch.

"Where are you going?" Jack said walking with you.

"I was watching my show. You can watch it with me. Also, I want some too." you said taking some chocolate from the bag.

Jack sat beside you and took some more chocolate. You smiled. You had liked Jack for a while now but you didn't say anything to him. After a little while of watching (y/f/s) you put your head in his lap and put the blanket on yourself. He looked down at you and smiled. You smiled back. He started to pet your hair and caress your cheek. You turned red.

"(y/n)... I love you." he said looking at you. You looked back. His eyes were so beautiful.

"I love you too Jack." you said turning red.

"No, I love you. Not like a friend or a guardian. I love you as a woman/man." (Honestly idk haha)

You stared at him with shock. He had never said anything like that to you before. You didn't know what to say.

"J-Jack I-" you were cut off by his lips smashing onto yours. You didn't know what was happening at first but then you kissed back. The kiss was like fireworks. He wouldn't let go of you. You finally had to pull away to breath. He stared at you.

"Dean told me to do that when I found a girl I loved." he said out of breath. You giggled and hugged him tight.

"Your so sweet Jack." you said closing your eyes.

"You are as well (y/n)." he said kissing your cheek.

For the rest of the night you two just watched T.V on the couch and eventually you fell asleep.


Yep... this sucks but oh well. Request if you want to!

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