+He Hurts You+

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(This one may be a bit sad and dumb I'm sorry)

Dean= You were sitting in the bunker one day with the boys. You had just taken on a demon by yourself without telling the boys. This was the third time you did this. Dean sat in front of you, looking into your eyes. He was mad.

"I said I was sorry."

"Sorry doesn't cut it (y/n)! You are always leaving without telling anyone then you get hurt." He said cutting you off. You got up and headed towards the door.

"Get back here." He said grabbing your arm. You pulled his hand away and walked outside. He ran after you and turned you around. He held both of your shoulders to make sure you didn't get away.

"Get your ass back inside now!" he said pushing you towards the door. He meant to push you lightly, but ended up pushing you all the way down. You hit your head on a rock and started to bleed. He ran to you and knelt down beside you.

"(y/n)! I-I'm sorry!" he said getting you back up.

"Just leave me alone! Get out of my life! Your ruining it!" you said before storming out into the night. Dean went back inside. He sat down and tried to hold his tears in. He knew he had messed up. He was being too harsh. He hurt you.

Sam= "I told you (y/n)! Don't get involved this time." Sam said. He was getting mad because you wanted to help them hunt this time, but Sam said it was too risky and dangerous.

"Why not! I can look out for myself!" you said. You wanted to help because Castiel wasn't there this time. It was just going to be Sam and Dean and you had done a lot of research and knew that you would be useful.

"I said no!" Sam said getting close you you. He was intimidating, but you kept your ground.

"I don't care Sam! I'm going!" you said pushing him back. He fumbled a bit then looked at you. Your eyes got wide. He had never given you that look before. He got real close to you.

"You listen to me you idiot bit*c. I don't give a shi* what you know or what you can do. You will stay here or you can leave!" he said with anger You started to tear up. He had never said anything like that to you ever! He looked mad still. His chest puffed and you could see veins popping out of his forehead. You wiped your eyes and ran out. You couldn't believe he had done that. Not Sammy.

Castiel= You were sitting in the living room watching T.V with Cas. You were watching some dumb scary movie. There was a part in it where the woman walked into a house that potentially had a murder in it and just said "hello". Cas laughed.

"Women are such idiots." he said. You looked up at him.

"What?" you said. He just looked at you.

"I mean, you women are not near as smart as men. Don't you think?" he said. You couldn't believe what he just said. You slapped him.

"I'm sick of you saying this crap." you said before leaving. You ran out. Cas tried to stop you, but you pushed him away. He stood there in shock.

"Why are women so sensitive."

Crowley= You were arguing over weather or not you could still live with Sam and Dean. He caught Dean trying to kiss you and you were explaining that you had nothing to do with it.

"You don't know the full story Crowley! I didn't kiss him! you said using your hands for expression.

"Shut up you little whore." he said pushing you to the ground. He had never hurt you none the less called you anything vulgar or inappropriate. You looked up at him from the ground. He stared down at you then left. You ran into the bunker and locked yourself in. You were done with him. He had hurt you too much this time.

Gabriel= You were sitting on the couch in a motel you and Gabriel were sharing for a while. He in the bathroom and you were sitting on the bed. He came out and wrapped his arms around your neck.

"Hey baby, want to have some fun tonight? I'm in the mood." he said running his hands down your body.

"No, not tonight." you said taking his hands off. You turned to him. He looked mad.

"You never want to do anything! You don't even hug me much anymore! What is wrong with you?!" he said getting close to you.

"Nothing! I'm just not in the mood right now!" you said walking away.

"When will you be (y/n) 'cause I'm tired of this crap!" he said causing you to shutter. You tried to walk away but he pulled you back.

"Do not walk away from me." he said. You looked at him with shock and disgust then pushed him off you. You walked out the door covering yourself in you jacket. Why would he get that mad?

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