-Why I Didn't Do 'A How You Meet'-

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Hey guys, I just wanted to explain something that crossed my mind. Looking at other peoples Supernatural books like mine, they do a "How You Meet" chapter. I never thought to do these types of chapters because it limits your imagination. I think (Or my view on it) is that writing these types of chapters limits the readers imagination on there part or character. For example, if you like Gabriel and you imagine yourself as a werewolf with him but the author writes you as a human or something, then that is not giving you what you want. When I read these types of books, I see myself as a demon mixed with something else and I am in love with Cas and work with the Winchesters. This is just me. Other people see it in a different way and like different people. Some of you may even be on Luci's side. If you guys want me to do a "How you met" I can. I will try to make it as non-specific as possible. That is the problem/hard thing about writing these types of books. Thanks for reading!

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