~Sam & Dean~ Sharing Is Caring

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      I had been living with the Winchester brothers for about six months now. They both were nice and I liked being around them.

I woke up and got some clothes on. I wanted to wake up early today to make breakfast for the boys. I want downstairs and started cooking. I found some eggs and bacon in the fridge. I decided to make that with some pancakes. I was almost done when I felt two arms wrap around my waist and a head rest on my shoulder.

"Well good morning to you too." I said still focusing on the eggs in front of me.

"What are you making?" Sam said still holding onto me. His voice made me shiver.

"Breakfast. Now go and sit at the table it's almost done." I said jokingly. He smiled and walked to the table. We haven't worked a case in about a week so all three of us were feeling refreshed and happy. I put some food on a plate and bring it to Sam. He was reading something on his laptop per-usual.

"Thanks. You really didn't have to." he said smiling and looking at me. He had messy hair and his P.J's on. He looked so cute.

"Well, I wanted to." I said playing with his hair. I patted his back then got Dean's plate ready.

"Where is Dean?" I asked Sam who was almost done eating.

"I think he is outside fixing the Impala." Sam said with a mouth full of food. I chuckled.

"Okay thanks." I said bringing the plate outside. I walked over to the Impala and didn't see Dean.

"Dean?" I called. I then saw him slide out from under the car.

"Oh, you have food!" he said grabbing the plate.

"Yeah. Your welcome." I said turning around to walk inside. I was stopped by Dean pulling my arm. I turned around to meet Dean's chest.

"Thank You." he whispered. My heartbeat fasten.

"Um... your welcome." I said looking up at him. He smiled down at me. His smile. It was so warm. His eyes were amazingly green. How can one be so attractive? I caught myself in my thoughts.

"Okay. Tell me if you need anything." I said walking away.

I went back inside and up to my room. I passed the kitchen. Sam was cleaning up. I smiled then went up the satires. I locked myself in my room.

'What was I feeling?' I had had feelings every no and then towards the boys but, why both?

~Sam's P.O.V~

I liked (y/n). I wanted to ask her out but didn't know how to or if she even thought of me in that way. I cleaned up after her so she wouldn't have to later. When I was done I went outside to ask for help from Dean. He was eating the food (y/n) had brought him.

"Hey Dean, can I ask you something." I said walking up to him He set down his plate and wiped his moth.

"Yeah shoot." he said crossing his arms.

"Well, I think I like (y/n) and I was-"

"Excuse me what?" Dean said interrupting me.

~Deans P.O.V~

I stared at Sammy with confusion. I had been wanting to get with (y/n) for some time now and I thought he knew that.

"You know I like her Sammy. Sorry but, you can't have her." I said walking off to finish fixing my baby.

"Dean, you can't just claim someone as yours. She might not like you like that. Sam said walking closer to the Impala. I was starting to get mad. I hadn't had a good relationship in a while. I won't let Sammy ruin this for me.

"I can do what I want. I am telling you to back off." I said getting close to Sammy's face.

~Your P.O.V~

I heard yelling outside and decided to go see what was happening. I stood beside the house so the boys couldn't see me.

"I can do what I want. I am telling you to back off." I heard Dean say. They were...fighting over me??? Why? I walked out and confronted them.

"Both of you stop. I am tired of you two always bickering. I never said I liked or didn't like either of you. The truth is that you both are very sweet and I can't decide." I said standing in the middle of them. They both look at me then each other.

"Fine. Then by the end of this week make a decision. Think of it like a contest." Dean said smiling. I wrinkled my nose.

"Sam, you okay with that?" I said looking at him.

"Bring it." he said smirking.


Hey guys this was hard for me to make lol. It's not my writing style but I like trying new things. Tell me if I should do a part to or somfin. Thx!

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