+When Your Sad+

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Dean will try and let you cool off. He will ask who the son of a bitch was that hurt you then go give him a BIG talk.

Sam will comfort you and tell you that the person who made you sad or the thing that mad you sad is dumb and everything will pass soon

He wouldn't know what to do so he just says "I'm sorry..." over and over again 

Really doesn't care... he knows you'll get over it 

He will bring you tons of food and hugs 

Balthazar will tell you to get over it and people have worse problems but will hug and kiss you at the same time. 

Jack will just stare at you with confusion

Bobby would try to make up feel better any way he can and he wont give up until your happy or smiling

   Charlie will make jokes and try to make you laugh because that is the only thing she can do when your sad. 

Chuck will hold you and try and make you happy by cuddling you to death

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