+The Time Of The Month+

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He knows when it's here because you will start to cry over little things. He will roll his eyes at first then comfort you. He hates it, but knows it hurts you so he will do anything to make you feel better.


Sam knows when your going to start. Time, day, everything. He has a calendar so he can be prepared. He wants you to be happy and he wants to know when it is going to start so he can mentally prepare for the heat. He will cover you up in warm blankets and kiss your forehead if it gets bad. He cares a lot.


This poor baby boy... He knows what a period is, but what he didn't know was how bad it was. He didn't know what PMS was. The first time was hard for him. He thought you were bipolar or something. But now he knows. When it's that time, he will hold you and snuggle with you.


Crowley acts like a teenage girl on her period already so... I don't think he cares much.


He will fill you up with candy and chocolate. He will do what you want just so he doesn't get yelled at...and to make you happy.

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