+When Your Sick+

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Dean= You don't get sick often, but when you do you are miserable. Dean will act like it's not a big deal but on the inside he is concerned. He loves you and he can't loose anyone else. He brings you soup and crackers and will rub your head and tell you that your gonna' be okay.

Sam= Sam will go into mom mode when your sick. He will make you soup, give you a heating pad, and make sure you are alright 24/7. He loves you a lot and this is one way he shows it.

Castiel= Cas hates it when you get sick. He hates seeing you in any kind of pain. He will cuddle with you and hug you more than usual and ask you if you need anything.

Crowley= Crowley is really nice when your sick. He wont show anyone else or let anyone else see that he is being soft towards you, but he is. He kisses your forehead and tells you that you'll be fine. He makes your sickness seem like no big deal, which makes you feel better.

Gabriel= Gabriel gets upset when your sick. He hates it when your not up and doing something you love. You help the Winchester hunt things and when you ask to skip a mission, Gabriel knows somethings wrong. You wont show them that your weak in the moment, but you are. Gabriel knows that and will stay back to help you.

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