~Gabriel~ Black Screen

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You were sitting there in the dark staring at the static on the T.V. Gabriel had been gone for at least four weeks now and you were starting to really miss him. He had been sent back to heaven by Cas. You sat their just staring at the static. You hadn't eaten in a couple days and you have had only 2 hours of sleep in the past three days. You were going insane. You decided to lay back and rest a while. You know that Gabriel would come back. Right? You and him had gotten into a fight right before Cas sent him back. The last words you said to him were

"Don't come back."

every time you thought about it you cried. It was your fault he wasn't coming back. You thought this right before you fell asleep...

You woke up to something warm on your chest. You were clinging onto someone. You shuttered and looked up to see who it was. Gabriel was smiling down at you.

"Sleeping beauty is awake!" he said kissing your forehead. You just looked at him. Silent, red eyed, and confused. You couldn't tell if this was a dream or not. You just kept staring. Gabriel frowned.

"You okay. If your wanting an apology I'm sorry. I know I should have told you where I was going before I went to the bar with Dean. My bad. Forgive me?" You squinted your eyes.

"I'm not mad about the fight we had. Why didn't you come back Gabriel? Were you that mad?" you asked sobbing. You had been waiting for him for weeks on end and he didn't even bother to send you a text to let you know he was okay. He sighed.

"I was in heaven. I had to talk to some people before coming back. That's why Cas sent me there to begin with. I'm sorry. I should of told you I know. I just didn't want you to get involved with this fight. Not this time." he said. You could see tears starting to form in his eyes. You held his head in your hand.

"Don't ever do that again Gabriel or I will find you and beat your ass." you said before kissing him. You were glad he was back. You could finally be at peace. No more darkness. No more wondering. You had him back now. That was all that matters.

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