+Where He Kisses You+

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Dean likes to kiss you whenever wherever. He likes kissing you on your head. It's easy and cute.


Sam likes kissing you on your cheek. He likes to kiss you when your feeling down or when something is wrong. It is another way of him telling you 'Everything's Okay'.


Cas likes to kiss your lips. He understands that the lips are a passionate spot and he loves kissing yours.


Crowley (when he does kiss you) will kiss you on your nose. He thinks it's cute and when you two are having a moment he likes to add things like this to make it memorable.


Gabe will kiss your neck. He likes to tease you like that and likes to show everyone that your his.


Balthazar likes to kiss the top of your head. He finds this easy because you are so short. (lol)


Jack is like Cas. He likes kissing your lips. He makes it short and sweet.


Bobby likes to kiss your hand. It's charming and sweet but passionate. It makes you want more.

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