~Sam~ Watch Your Back

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(Hey guys, thank you for reading my book I really appreciate it! I'm still taking requests BTW)

"You better watch yourself (y/n). You could of gotten your ass killed back there!" Dean said loudly. You had just attempted to take on a werewolf by yourself. You thought the boys were taking too long to figure out where the thing was hiding and they wouldn't listen to you if you tried to give them some advice on where it was. You were smart. You could figure things out fast and easily.

"I'm sorry. You guys wouldn't listen to me!" You said trying to prove your point on taking on the werewolf by yourself.

"(y/n)! That's no excuse! You could of-"

"Shut up Dean! She was trying to help us this whole time, but we were being dumb and not listening." Sam said cutting Dean off.

Dean huffed then turned into a motel parking lot. You guys were going to stay the night because it was late and it would take a full day to get to the next mission.

"You better watch your back kid." Dean said giving you a worried yet aggravated look.

Dean got out of the car and slammed the door. Sam followed. He glanced back at you. You just sat in the car for a few minuets. You were trying to think things over. You were wrong to go by yourself, but you just wanted to get things done. You slowly got out of the car and walked into the motel. You followed Sam and Dean to the room you would be staying in. You looked at the floor the whole time. If you were to look up, you would of gotten mad or sad knowing that you had caused the boys so much trouble. When you got to the room Dean went straight to the bathroom to wash up. He was the oldest so he usually went first. You sat at the dining room table and put your head down. You just thought of how mad they seemed. You didn't know what to say.

You heard someone behind you then lifted your head to see who it was, but before you could see, Sam had you in his arms and was caring you to one of the beds.

"Ahh! Sam! What are you doing?!" you said trying not to laugh.

"You should of been watching your back (y/n)!" he said laughing then throwing you onto the bed. He started to tickle you.

"S-Sam! Stopppp!!!" you said in-between laughs and sobbs. He laughed then plopped down next to you.

"Don't stress over anything (y/n). You were trying to help. We weren't listening." he said hugging you then kissing your cheek.

"Okay, I'm sorry Sam. I really am." You said turning to face him. He smiled and rubbed your cheek.

"I know your sorry. I'm sorry too." he said kissing you.

"Yeah and I'm sorry for myself that I had to walk in on this." you heard Dean say coming out of the bathroom. You giggled and kissed Sam on last time before going into the bathroom to change and wash up.


Thanks for reading guys! I'm litraly made this up last min so it sucks lol srry

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