+How He Wakes You Up/How You Sleep+

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Dean= You were asleep in the back of the Impala while Dean drove and Sam took shotgun. You looked peaceful and happy. One of the only times you looked like that was when you were asleep. You didn't feel when the car came to a stop.

"You go inside, I'll be there in a min." Dean said glancing back at you then back to Sam.

"Okay." he said smiling.

Sam got out of the car and shut the door as quietly as he could not to disturb you. Dean unbuckled and got out as well. He walked over to one of the backseat doors and opened it slowly. He saw your head propped up on both hands. He smiled and caressed your cheek with his hand. He got down real close to your face and whispered,

"Hey babe. Were here." After he said that you began to shutter. He rubbed your back until you sat up. You rubbed your eyes and looked at him with a morning face. He laughed then walked off. It was a short and sweet moment.

Sam= Sam and you liked to sleep together a lot. He is warm and big so you like it when he holds you.

You were both asleep in the motel you had been staying in for a couple days. Sam was big spoon, you were little. He had just woken up to the sound of a car horn outside. You were still sleeping. Sam grabbed his phone from the side table, it read 12:16 pm. You both had gotten the rare opportunity to sleep in, but it had to end sometime. Sam placed his phone back and turned to you. He stared at you for a few seconds to admire how amazingly beautiful you looked while asleep. Not that you were un-beautiful while awake, but you looked more at peace while you were asleep. Sam then started to kiss down your neck. You smiled and turned to face him. Your eyes slowly open. Sam looked at you and said,

"Good morning beautiful."

You smiled sweetly and leaned into his face.

"Good morning handsome." you said planting a soft kiss on his lips. Moments like this don't happen too often. Every once in a while you two will have a sweet teen drama moment and those are what make your relationship sweeter.

Castiel= Cas doesn't sleep, but you sure do. It's weird how you two sleep. He always likes to watch over you while your asleep. He likes holding you. So you both are never apart.

You had been sleeping for a while now and Cas was starting to want you awake. He held you and started to play with your hair for a bit admiring how pretty you are. He leaned down close to your face and whispered,

"(y/n), It is time to wake up."

You shook and open your eyes. You smiled sweetly when you saw him.

"Okay Cas." you said kissing his cheek. He grew a bit red then hugged you.

Cas watches over you while you sleep, like a guardian angle. You are his everything (other than Dean we all know). He does get shy sometimes, but you make sure to tel him and let him know that its okay.

Crowley= You were watching T.V in some motel. You hunt with Sam and Dean, but your boyfriend, Crowley, did'nt like it. He was always telling you how you could stay with him until they needed you, but the thing is that they always needed you. You were strong and used your strength a lot. You slowly started to drift off to the sound of some crappy sit com playing.

Crowley came in to check on you only to find you asleep. He smirked then strode his way over to you. He sat down on the couch next you you. He held your cheek in his had and his other hand held yours. You felt his warmth then woke up. You flutter your eyes then smiled realizing that he had stooped in to see you.

"Hey Crowley." you said wrapping your arms around him. He hugged you back smiling.

"Good morning love. Or should I say night?" he said pulling away. You smiled.

He kissed your cheek and then caressed it.

"I thought I'd stay a while to visit you." he said winking.

He loved to "check up on you". Mainly to make sure the boys wouldn't try anything on you.

Gabriel= You were sleeping in one of the beds in a motel room. You were currently on a mission and had some time to rest. You felt the covers move up and felt someone get in bed with you. You shiver and squeeze the blankets. You turned around to see Gabriel. His face looked worn out and beaten.

"Hey you okay?" you asked holding his face in your hands.

"Yup. I'm fine. Just had a little fight with Dean earlier trying to prove that you would never ditch me for him." he said smiling. You looked at him in frustration. He was always getting onto Dean about "hitting on you". Clearly Dean was joking, but either way Gabriel didn't like it.

"Gabriel you need to stop being so hard on Dean. He is just messing with you." you said hugging him. Gabriel looked down at you and kissed the top of your head.

"I just don't want to loose you." he said before you drifted off to sleep again. He held you and watched you. You were the only person he could show his sentimental side of too. You knew how he was on the inside.


Comment who you like from Supernatural I'm just curious. I love Castiel. ;))))))

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