~Castiel~ Sweater Weather

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(This is going to be just a little different than my other story's but oh well...)

I sat in pure depression. I hadn't been out of the house in weeks. It was raining and foggy, that was about the only good thing that was happening today. I walked out of my bedroom and into the hall. It had been a long time sense anyone other than myself had been here, in this house, in this hall. I didn't want to think about it anymore, but I couldn't stop. Those eight months were the best in your life dispite all the violence. I grabed some coffee and went into the living room. I sat in the dark sipping on my drink just thinking.


"How could you!" Dean said Castiel and Sam standing behind him.

"You don't understand! I can't do anything about it! I didn't choose to be this way!" I said tears rolling down my cheeks. Sam found out what my dad was. A demon. Sam told Dean and Castiel. Here we are now.

I backed up against the wall as Castiel walked to me. I closed my eyes. I couldn't look at his face. He was too mad.

"How could you not tell anyone. How could you not tell me? I trusted you." he said, and with that, he disappeared. Sam and Dean pushed me aside and left. That was it. All because of my family. Because of something I couldn't control. They left and I stayed here.

I blocked any demons from getting in. I didn't want them coming in and making things worse. I haven't seen anyone sense that day. It's been 3 weeks.

~Castiel's P.O.V~

I couldn't stand being away from her. She was right, she can't choose who her parents are. She wanted us to have trust in her so that is why she kept it from us. She meant no harm. I flew back to the house where she was. I watched her. I wanted to hold her and keep her from crying so bad, but I couldn't. Not yet.

I went back to the Winchesters and tried to explain how it wan't her fault.

"Yeah it is Cas. She shouldn't of kept that big of a secret from us." Dean Winchester said stomping off. He was right. She shouldn't of kept the secret, but she didn't know. What do I do now?

~Normal P.O.V~

Why does life have to be so hard? Why can't people just understand? I hate this life. I don't want to be here anymore. It's unfair. I wrap myself in more blankets and turn on the T.V. I need to stop thinking like this. I sat there sniffling every now and then. Sometimes I can still feel the warm breath and wings of Cas on my back or maybe it is just my sweater. Either way, I miss him the most. I miss his arms around me when I'm cold. I miss those icy blue eyes that could stare into my soul. I miss my angel, Castiel.

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