~Crowley~ Sleep

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       You sat down back against the wall. Dean walked in circles trying to remember where the nest was. You were hunting vampires, AGAIN.

"I didn't think there were any left Dean?" Sam said from the table that sat in the corner of the motel room.

"Well, apparently they do Sam." Dean said with frustration. You closed your eyes. You had been so tired these past few days. The most sleep you've had was about 3 hours. You sat there while the boys tried to figure things out. They knew you were tired and let you rest for a while. You felt someone next to you. You opened your eyes to see Crowley beside you. He had a smile on his face and reached out to hold your hand.

"Hey darling. I wanted to see how you were doing and to my luck your on a break." he said getting close to your face. He kissed your lips softly. You kissed back and smiled.

"Hey Crowley. I'm really tired, would you mind If I just took like a two hour nap? Please?" You said holding both of his hands and looking into his eyes. He smiled again.

"Of course darling. You don't have to ask. I'll sleep with you." He said getting up. You looked at him with confusion. He helped you up then snapped his fingers. You were both in another motel room, a much nicer one with one bed and lots of space. You were shookath. (lol srry). You turned to him and he just smirked and got into bed.

"Well, I thought you were tired?" he said. You smiled and got in with him. You snuggled up to his chest. He hugged you and rested his head on yours. (You have to be pretty short to do this lmao)

"I missed you." you said closing your eyes.

"I missed you too love." he said kissing the top of your head. (I'm sorry again. I keep imagining like, you resting your head on his and like, HIM being the girl in this situation lol kms)

You loved Crowley. He was always there for you. He would do anything for you. He would always check up on you, make sure your okay, and he always came when you needed him most. You fell asleep knowing that he truly did love you too. He showed it in every way.

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