+Chuck Catch Up+

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What He Loves About You=

He loves when you cry. I know this sounds weird, but he loves seeing you full of emotion. He doesn't necessarily like when you are sad, but he loves seeing you so worked up.

How He Wakes You Up/How You Sleep=

You were on the couch sleeping when Chuck came home. He walked over to you and turned down the T.V. He bent down and kissed your cheek then walked away. He left you to sleep and rest instead of waking you.

What He Calls You=


What You Call Him=


When Your Sick=

He will stay home with you and read you story's or watch movies with you.

He Hurts You (1)=

You had been with the Winchesters for a while and when you came back he was with another woman.

"How could you?!" you said crying.

"I-I didn't mean to! Please! I'm sorry!" he said walking up to you and trying to hug you. You pushed his hand away and ran out the door.

He Hurts You (2)=

You had been staying with the Winchesters for a while. You were alone one day and heard a knock at the door so you went to answer it.

You opened the door and saw Chuck. You rolled your eyes and shut it.

"Hey! (y/n)! Please!" he said stopping the door.

"What Chuck?!" you said holding back tears.

"I am sorry... please." he said crying. You frowned...

You hugged him and wiped his eyes.

"It's okay... just NEVER do that again." you said smiling sweetly.

"I promise... I wont." he said kissing you.

What You Are=


How You Sleep/Cuddle=

Chuck liked to spoon with you. He likes to secretly be little spoon though. He loves resting his hands on your waist. He likes it when you play with his hair.

The Time Of The Month=

Chuck is very awkward. Sooooo he doesn't really do anything unless you ask him to.

He Walks In On You Changing=

You were getting out of your bloody clothes from a hunt in the bathroom at Chucks. Half way through, Chuck just walked in

"Hey can I... oh ... sorry." he said blushing then walking out slowly. You just stood there in shock. It all happened so fast....

When you walked out he wouldn't take his eyes off you.

What Annoys Him=

When you talk about your past relationships.

What Annoys You=

When he talks about how good other girls look

Where He Kisses You=

On your neck. He likes hugging you from behind so this is convenient. 

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