+He Hurts You 2+

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Dean= You sat on a park bench crying. Dean had never hurt you before. This was the first time. He was always so nice to you and this came out of nowhere. You felt someone sit beside you. You looked over to see Sam.

"Yes?" you said burrowing your face in your jacket.

"Look, dean didn't mean to push you. He just got worked up. Please come back. He wants to apologize. He has been a mess the whole time you have been gone." he said wrapping an arm around me.

"Fine, but if he ever lays a hand on me again like that, I'll chop it off." you said getting up with Sam.

When you get back, Dean is standing at the door with tears running down his face. You stand in front of him.

"I'm so sorry (y/n). Please forgive me. I'll never do it again." he said looking at you with hope.

"Alright." you said looking at the ground. He goes to hug you, but you punch him in the face.

"Oww!" he said holding his cheek.

"You deserved it." Sam said as you and him walk inside.

Sam= You were still in shock. Sam had never spoken to you like that. He was always looking out for you and you knew that was what he was trying to do this time. But he took it too far. You were in a motel room you had rented for 2 days now. Who knows how much longer you would be there. You were watching T.V when you heard a knock at your door. You got up and opend it. It was Sam.

"What the hell do you want." you said chocking back tears.

"(y/n), I'm sorry. I should of never said the things I said. I didn't mean to get that mad. Please come back." he said hugging you. You just stood there.

"Sam. If I ever hear anything like that out of your mouth again I will leave. FOR GOOD." you say hugging him back.

"I know. It wont happen again. I promise." he said holding you tight.

Castiel= "Why is he such an idiot." You thought to yourself. You were sitting in a coffee shop just thinking. It had been a day sense the fight and you were lost in your thoughts. One part of you wanted to go back. You knew that he still had angel quality's. He didn't know what he was saying. Your thoughts were interrupted by someone sitting down in the chair across from you. You looked up. Cas was sitting there with red eyes and a tear stained face.

"I am sorry." was all he said. His breathing was low and he looked like he was going to break apart any second.

"I know you are. It's okay Cas." you said looking into his eyes.

"The Winchesters explained. I should have never said anything. I was wrong." He said. You just stirred your drink.

"You are the most beautiful, smart, amazing women I have and will ever meet." he said reaching across the table to old your hand. You looked up at his again. You smiled when you saw how serious he was.

"Thank you Cas. You are forgiven."

Crowley= You had gotten a motel room of your own after the fight. You had been there for about 4 days. Crowley had not returned yet and you were starting to get worried. You sat down and ate your leftovers from last night. You thought about what happend. You did nothing wrong, but you still felt bad. You should have told Dean to back off. Or even push him. Now you lost Crowley. You started to cry. How could this happen. Everything was going so good.

"Come on now love. Did you miss me that much?" you heard a voice behind you. You whipped around to see Crowley standing there. He had a smile on his face. You went up and hugged him.

"It wasn't what you thought it was! I-"

"I know. I'm sorry love. I have just always been scared of loosing you to one of those idiot boys and when I saw that I was terrified." he said whispering into your ear.

"i would never leave you for them. I care about you too much. Your my little devil." you said keeping him in your embrace.

Gabriel= You had been staying in the room that Gabriel and you had the fight in. You couldn't stop crying. It had been 2 days. He hadn't shown up at all. You were asleep when you heard someone climb in bed beside you. You froze.

"(y/n)." it was Gabriel. You turned to face him. Anger and sadness written all over your face. He looked bad as well. You could see tear marks and redness. He hugged you. You stayed still.

"I am sorry. I didn't know what I was saying." he said. You hugged him back.

"I was scared Gabriel. I have been scared to do anything with you. What if I mess up or do something wrong?" you said crying. He hugged you tighter.

"Nooooo, don't be scared. You can't mess up anything because it's you. Your amazing. You are the only person I would want to do it with. I care about you. Don't think that." he said. You hugged him and sobbed into his chest.

"I'm sorry baby." he said.

"It's okay. I forgive you." you said wiping your tears. You slowly fell asleep in his arms.

"When you wake up, I'll show you that you don't have to be afraid."

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