~Castiel~ I didn't Mean It

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(UGGGG!!! Cas is so just UGGGG!!! <3)

I sat down on a park bench. I had to get away from the boys. From the feelings. From everything. I had just gotten in a fight with Castiel about women. Dean was giving him the wrong perspective. Women are not weak. Sure I got hurt a few times on some missions, but so did they. I am anything but weak.

~Earlier That Night~

"You guys ready?" Dean said loading his gun.

"Yeah let's go!" I said smiling and walking toward the door, but Castiel stopped me. I looked up into his eyes. He looked down at me sternly.

"Your not going." he said holding my shoulders. Dean looked at us with wide eyes.

"What do you mean Cas? Get out of the way we have to go!" I said pushing him to the side.

"(y/n) you are weak and the men are stronger. Let us go." He said stopping me once more.

I stopped in my tracks. I looked at him with anger and discuss.

"What did you just say?" I said giving him a death stare.

"I said, The men are stronger-" Before he could finish I slapped him as hard at I could manage. He looked at me quietly and held his face. His eyes widened.

I ran out of the motel the boys called my name and ran to me, but I managed to get away from them.

~Present Time~

So now I'm sitting alone in the dark of an abandoned park. I burred my face in my hands and cried. Cas made mistakes. He was not fully aware of what being human and what having human feelings was like. I felt someone sit next to me and something warm wrap around me. I looked up with a red face and teary eyes. Cas was sitting there with a sorry look in his eyes. I cried even more when I saw him.

"I'm sorry (y/n). I didn't realize that I hurt you. Please forgive me." He said. I could feel his wings wrap tighter around me. No, they weren't visible, but you could defiantly feel them if you tried and he wanted you to feel them. I looked into his eyes and smiled.

"It's okay Cas. Just don't say anything like that again. Please." I said hugging him tightly.

"I won't. I promise." He said hugging me back.

I pulled away and looked at him. His eyes were so blue. They were amazing. Everything about him was. His innocence mixed with being a bad ass. I loved it. I loved him. My baby boy. My angel.

I leaned in and he met me half way. We kissed for what seemed like forever before pulling away. The kiss was awkward at first then became passionate. That's how it usually is. He still doesn't fully understand, but he's getting there. My angel.

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