+How You Sleep/Cuddle+

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Dean loves to cuddle. He might not seem like it, but he really does. He will hold you close to his chest and put his head on yours. Every now and then, he will kiss your forehead or cheek.


Sam likes it when you snuggle into him and cling on to his waist. He will lay on his back and hug your from the side.


Cas likes to watch your sleep sense he can't. He will hold you close and keep you up by kissing you.


Crowley likes to spend all the time he can with you. When you have a break he will pick you up and let you sleep with him in some fancy place.


Gabriel is the most physical person ever. He is always wanting to sleep with you or cuddle or even just hold you. This is how he shows his love.


Sorry is the Gif's don't work. :/

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