~Dean~ Breakfast Talks

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        You and Dean had been friends for a while now. You worked on cases with the Winchesters and now you were on the road living with them. You were in the car with Dean. He had gone out to get breakfast and you went with. You were outside of a Burger King (Honestly IDK lmao) Dean was eating and you had just finished some coffee.

"So whats on the to do list for today?" you asked smiling at Dean.

"Nothing much. Go to the woman's house for and interrogation then see what happens!" Dean said finishing his sandwich.

You smiled and rolled your eyes.

"Okay then." You said nodding. Dean started the car and headed out of the parking lot. You were both in the car silent. Dean looked over at you then put a hand on your leg.

"You alright?" he asked smiling sweetly.

"Oh! Yeah I'm fine." you giggled. Den held your hand. You blushed.

"W-what are you doing?" you asked smiling at him.

"Can I not hold my favorite girls hand?" he asked smirking then squeezing your hand tighter. You blushed and held his back.

When you got back to the motel he stopped the car and unbuckled. You tried to unbuckle but it go stuck. Dean leaned over and helped you.

"Thanks." you said smiling at him.

He just smiled then leaned in. He kissed you fast and soft.

"Anything for you." He said smirking then getting out of the car.


SO SORRY! This sucked. I have been SO busy with Thanksgiving and crap. Hope this is okay lol

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