~Gabriel~ Here for you

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This Idea was suggested by Bella. Thank You! Hope I do okay!

It has been almost a year sense I turned. I am a werewolf. I was turned one night by a man by the name of Alchemist (So fu**ing original) . He was the werewolf I was supposed to be hunting. I killed him on that night as well as my humanity. He had bitten me right before I killed the son of a bitch. I know how to control myself. I didn't at first, but taught myself how to. I feed on animals and not humans.

A couple months after I was turned I found the Winchesters. We were both working the same case in Nashville. A poltergeist at the Ryman. We worked on it together and it went well so they invited me to stay with them and help them when they needed it. I agreed. I hadn't had any close relations sense the werewolf case, but I have it under control... it will be okay. Right?

It has been about two months with working with the Winchesters now. We were in the middle of working a vampire case in New Orleans when someone popped in.

"Gabriel? What are you doing here?" Sam said looking in front of me. I looked up from my laptop screen to see a man standing there smirking at me. Who and what was he? He looked nice...

"I came here too see what all the talk was about. Castiel was telling me about your new member here." Gabriel said not moving. Our eyes were locked.

"I'm Gabriel and I take it you are (y/n)?" he said sticking out a hand.

"O-oh, yeah." I said taking his hand. Instead of a handshake, he pulled me up so our faces were centimeters apart. This is where it all started. The feelings for Gabriel. Ever sense that day he would be there for me when I needed to talk or just for getting away.

It has now been 5 months sense I met Gabriel. He was honestly making it hard for me to work. He was always on my mind. I woke up one morning and stretched. Something was different...my chains. They were off. I had made chains too keep me from getting loose just in case. I didn't think I would ever need them, but I put them there in case. I walked out into the hall. Something was dripping from my mouth...blood?! I ran into the boys room. They were standing up against the wall there arms crossed.

"Wh-what happend?!" I asked rubbing my head.

"You attacked us (y/n). We used some tranquilizer on you then put you back in your room." said Sam with disappointment.

"Why didn't you tell us? We trusted you!" Dean yelled.

"I-I'm sorry! I have had it under control this whole time I don't know what happend?!"

"Look at what you did (y/n)." Dean said pulling up his shirt. He showed a bite mark. I looked over to Sam. He had one too.

"Guys, I am sorry! I didn't know! Here take my blood. Please forgive me." I said in between sobs.

"Oh were going to take it and then were leaving." Dean said walking to me. He took out a blade and cut my arm. He took a sip. Then Sam.

"We are leaving. I hope you get this under control because if you don't, we will find you (y/n)." Dean said before the Winchester boys left slamming the door in my face. I fell to the floor crying.

"What have I done!" I cried. I am a monster. I always have been. I felt someone come into the room.

"(y/n)..." It was Gabriel. He placed a hand on my shoulder and knelt down beside me.

"I really messed up this time Gabriel." I said putting my head in his chest. He just held me.

"They will come back. I'll make sure they do." he said trying to make me feel better. I sniffled.

"I love you (y/n). I am going to help you with this." he said holding my face in his big warm hands.

I stared up at him. He was amazing. I pulled his head down to mine until out lips connected. We kissed until we needed air.

"I love you too Gabriel. I always have."

DAMN THIS TOOK ME SO LONG!!! I hope you like it lol. Kinda sucks balls. 

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