~Gabriel~ Dreams

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        You sat in the hallway of an abandon school. You were dreaming. You usually had vivid dreams like this, ever sense you met Gabriel. You sat there waiting for him to show up or for you to wake up, but there was nothing. Nothing was happening. No one was coming. You walked outside into the courtyard. No kids. Just dead grass and abandoned swings. You sat down at the end of one of the two slides. You didn't know what to do. Gabriel never waited this long to meet you. He was usually there right away. You were taken from your thoughts when you heard a scream come from the other side of the school. You ran to the entrance. You saw Gabriel holding up another man against the wall. The man had light blond hair and green eyes. You had never seen him before. Why was he in your dream? You walked up to Gabriel with confusion. When you got to him, he had already killed the other man. He stabbed him, with an angel blade.

"What was that?" you said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Some angel was trying to get in your head to find out where Sam and Dean are." he said rolling his eyes and wiping his hands. He smiled then looked at you. You were still in shock.

"But everything's okay now. I can assure you, that he will NOT be back." he said winking then snapping his fingers.

He had snapped(?) you to a fancy restaurant in Sweden.

"Okayyyy???" you said looking around. He kept his smile.

"Trust me. He was nothing important." Gabriel said picking up a fork and spinning it around.

A waiter in a black suit brung you a huge lobster then poured some champagne. You smiled. You had always trusted Gabriel. He had never lied to you before. Why would he now? You picked at the food while Gabriel watched you. He leaned across the table and kissed you.

"I am going to protect you. No matter what it takes. I will kill anyone or anything that gets in my way." he said in a hush voice. You looked into his eyes. His wonderful eyes.

"I know you will. You always do." you said holding his hand.

Gabriel looked into your eyes then snapped. You were now in a mansion's master bedroom. He smirked. You could tell where this was going.

"Baby... right now? Right here?" you said wrapping your arms around his neck. Your faces were centimeters apart.

"Why not?".......


Lmao srry haha. I'm running out of ideasssss

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