~Dean~ First-Aid

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 (Hey so this is my first one shot on here so... hopefully you will like it lolz)

   "Hurry up Sam!" I yelled. I was currently standing in front of the motel door while Sam was trying to open it. Dean had one arm around my neck. He had gotten injured trying to fight a vampire nest by himself. Sam and I had to go out and get him. Sam finally open the door. Dean groaned as I pulled him inside.

"I'll take care of him Sam. Can you go get him something to eat?" I told him. He nodded and left the motel room locking the door behind him. I sat Dean down on the side of one of the beds in the room. He groaned again and took off his jacket so I could get to the wound.

"I'm sorry." I said under my breath patting his bite with alcohol. He barely winced. He was used to getting sewn up and taken care of like this. He got injured a lot. I continued to disinfect the bite. Thankfully it wasn't bad enough to cause any type of damage. I looked at his neck. You could see veins popping out. He was so strong? How? I couldn't help but to internally complement his looks.

The whole time that I was tending to Dean's wound, he stared at me. He couldn't take his eyes off of me while I worked. I thought it was kind of cute. I even started to blush.

"You okay?" I ask. He just sat there for a while.

"Um, yeah sorry. Thanks for doing this. I'm good now." he said getting up. He grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom.

"Get back here I wasn't done!" I said running after him. I held the door open while he tried to shut it.

"(y/n) I am fine. You did enough. I'm a man. I can just let it heal. So why don't you go brush your hair or watch some crappy drama huh sweet heart." He said giving me a smirk then slamming the bathroom door. I huffed them kicked the door.

"You dick." I said walking into the motel living room. Dean had been acting this way for a while now. I had been riding with the Winchester brothers for about 6 months now and after the first 2 months of me being here is when Dean changed. He started to be more distant and he rarely flirted with me. I didn't know why. Sam thought it was because he had true feelings for me but, I don't know. Of course that would be the answer I would want to hear. I liked Dean a lot, but I'm not to sure about how he feels about me. I sat on the motel couch in silence. I thought I was going to cry the more I thought about things. I tried to get it off my mind but, I couldn't. I had fallen for the dick, and yet he treats me like I'm inadvisable.

Dean's P.O.V =

I got into the hot shower. My neck was still throbbing with pain but, I had to get away. I can't do this. I can't get too attached to her. (y/n) was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I had fallen in love with her. She was making me weak. No amount of drinking could fill in her spot in my mind. If I let her take over my emotions, I will become weak and soft. What if she dies? I'm always trying to protect her but, what if one day I can't anymore? What If she gets hurt? I can't deal with that pain. I can't let her know that either. All these thoughts ran through my head while I stood thinking in the shower.

Normal P.O.V=

I wiped my tears when I heard Sam coming in.

"Dean is in the bathroom." I said trying to act like I wasn't just breaking into a million pieces.

"Oh okay. Hey are you alright?" Sam said setting down the bag of food and looking into my eyes.

"Oh, um, yeah I'm fine. My eyes are getting iterated here. It must be something in the room." I said smiling.

"Okay. I'm here if you need to talk or anything." he said giving me a quick hug before getting his clothes. Dean came out of the bathroom dressed and red faced. He looked like he had been crying? Maybe his shower water was too hot. Sam slipped into the bathroom and shut the door.

"Your food is on the table." I said plainly looking at the ground. If I were to look into his eyes I would have broke down. He walked over to me and stood right in front of me. He was really close. I looked up into his eyes. I didn't know if I should feel afraid or like it? Or both? His eyes were so green and beautiful. It was hard not to stare into them.

"I'm sorry (y/n)." he whispered. Before I could say anything in return he pressed his lips onto mine. I fell into the kiss. He pulled away and hugged me tight.

"I'm sorry I have been such a dick." he said. I smiled.

"Your forgiven." I said. I heard the bathroom door open. I looked up to see Sam standing there confused.

"Okay..." he said smiling.

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