+Balthazar Catch Up+

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What He Loves About You =

He loves how you stick your tongue out when you are concentrated. He thinks it's cute. He also likes it when you act innocent and submissive. He finds this attractive and cute.

How He Wakes You Up/How You Sleep =

You were sleeping with Balthazar holding you from behind. He liked to watch you wile you slept. He also would make sure nothing came in to try and kill you. He was so scared that you would get killed or hurt every second he was away from you. He picked up a strand of your hair and twirled it. You sqeunted and rolled over to face him.

"Hey love." he said kissing your forehead.

"Hey" you said groggily. You both just layed there and stared at each other for a while. You liked moments like this. It's what kept your relationship sweet and memorable.

What He Calls You =

Love, Sweet heart, Dear

What You Call Him =

Babe, Sugar, Baby

When Your Sick =

He has a lot of soft feelings for you. So when your sick he will give you lots of hugs and he will make sure no one messes with you.

He Hurts You (1) =

You were in a bar with Balthazar. He wanted to get you out and away from all the fighting. He sat down with you and you twirled your drink. He just looked at you with lust and love.

"I don;t like you hanging out with Gabriel all the time. You should make more time for me." he said putting a hand on your thigh. You looked at him confused. You were tired of him always talking bad about Gabriel. He was your best friend. You spent plenty of time with Balthazar. He always made you feel bad or like your not spending enough time with him.

"You know what. I'm sick of this. You always act like I'm never around you and that I spend more time with Gabriel. If anything, you are taking away my time with him!" you said taking his hand off you.

"What did you say to me?" he said. His look changed so fast. It went from love to hate in seconds.

"You heard me! I'm tired of it!" you said giving him a death stare to show him that you were not kidding.

"Fine you little whore. Go spend time with Gabriel then. I'm sure he would like the free crappy love." he said looking away. You got up and smacked him. You left crying. Why was he being such a jerk?! What did you do?

He Hurts You (2) =

You sat down on a motel bed. It had only been about four hours sense the bar incident. You didn't know what to do. You couldn't go to Gabriel. That's just wrong. You were still upset and cried every time you thought about what happend. You were interrupted when someone came in the room. You didn't look to see who it was. You already knew. You sat there with your eyes bolted on the wall in front of you.

"I'm sorry for what I said (y/n). Please forgive me? I was being a dick. I shouldn't get so upset over little things like that." You heard Balthazar say. You didn't say anything. Tears were still rolling down your cheek.

"Please love, I miss you." he said sitting beside you. He held your cheek with his hand. You started to cry harder.

"Don;t ever say anything like that again." you said crying into his chest.

"I won't love. I promise."

What You Are =


How You Sleep/Cuddle =

He likes to hold you from behind and rest his arm on your waist.

The Time Of The Month =

He thinks it is annoying when this time of the month rolls around, but he still cares for your. He will give you what ever you want and he wont get mad when you yell at him or get mad over little things.


Lol, this is kinda bad so sorry. I didn't proof read before I published this also so... I'm sorry If somethings are dumb or do not make sense. Love ya' <3

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