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"Come on, Taehyung!" Jungkook whined.

"I don't know what to wear, because your dumb ass won't tell me where we are going!" Taehyung yelled in frustration.

Jungkook let out a sigh and went to Taehyung's closet, picking out an outfit and throwing it at his face. "Be ready in ten." Jungkook ordered and left the boy to change all by himself.

Jungkook stood in the kitchen, having a conversation with Jin, Joy and Hoseok when Taehyung came down the stairs, dressed and ready to go.

"Are you excited?" Taehyung heard Joy ask Jungkook as he opened the kitchen door.

"Very." Jungkook responded and grinned when Taehyung came up behind him and hugged him from behind."Ready to go?" Jungkook questioned.

"Yeah, lets go!" Taehyung yelled loudly.

Taehyung stared in confusion, when they had arrived at the place Jungkook had wanted to go.

"What?" He questioned, making Jungkook laugh loudly.

"You like it?" He questioned hopefully.

"It's." He paused and went over to the small table that was placed in the middle of a small glass igloo they had just entered, the place was decorated all over with beautiful fairy lights, softly lighting up the small space. "It's beautiful." He breathed out.

Jungkook chuckled and walked up behind Taehyung. "I hope you understand that I really love you." He mumbled, he wasn't used to showing affection like this or really having someone to love like that, but he was doing his best for Taehyung. "I'm doing my best." He finished.

Taehyung grinned and turned around to wrap his arms around Jungkook's waist. "You're doing great, I know you've never been serious with anyone before." He let out a small giggle, just like the first time they met.

"Let's eat! I hired a professional cook to make the food, so it should be good." Jungkook explained as he allowed Taehyung to sit down and pushed his chair in, as told, he was really doing his best.

"It's delicious!" Taehyung exclaimed when he took a bite, making Jungkook laugh once again, the igloo made of glass now filled with the sound of his laughter.

"I'm really happy." Taehyung told as they ate.

"Well, I'm happy too, I can't believe we're actually dating, I really thought I'd be stuck in the friendzone forever or something." Jungkook confessed with a small laugh.

"I didn't really think about that, I just didn't want to ruin what we had, we had just become like friends, best friends even, and I didn't want to ruin that by confessing my dumb feelings, but I guess they weren't as dumb anyways." Jungkook nodded.

"Not at all, Taetae, your feelings could never be dumb." Taehyung chuckled at that.

"When did we, of all people, turn into some sappy couple?" They both broke out in fits of laughter.

"As long as we're happy and everything, it shouldn't matter." Jungkook said as he stared down at his food.

"Of course not, Kook." Taehyung assured, standing up and leaning over the table to press his soft lips against Jungkook's.

"I think we're a great match, we're both weird and funny and good looking and." Jungkook stopped speaking once again when Taehyung pressed his lips against his again.

"Stop talking about how great you are and eat." Taehyung ordered.

"As you wish." Jungkook bowed his head as if Taehyung was a prince and they both laughed once again.

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