Part 1- "Who has a wedding in 10 days?!"

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Be advised that this is volume II of "Take my breath away".
Please read "TMBA" before continuing with "Endless love" xx

Diana and Roger woke in a fright to the phone ringing loudly.

"Jesus who would call at this hour?!" Roger clutched at his chest as he flicked the small lap on next to him.

"I have no.....DAISY!" Diana quickly reached for the phone knocking over everything on her bedside table in the process "hello?"

"Hey" Daisy said quietly "did I wake you?"

Diana lied "nah, I'm always up you know me"
Daisy gave a big sigh "Di I did something tonight and I'm not sure how I feel about it"

Diana covered the phone speaker and whispered to Roger "I'll take this in the other room she's upset, go back to sleep"

Diana quickly waddled over to the upstairs study and  lay on the large couch with the phone " what happened?"

"There's this guy...actually he's my boss at the bar, Jackson. He's kind of been chasing me and I...I gave in" Daisy admitted while covering her face with her hand in shame.

Diana paused "....gave in you slept with him?"
"No but I let him go down on me" Daisy's voice became embarrassed and regretful.

"So I'm guessing he was shit at it?" Di asked smiling to herself.

Daisy gave a little laugh "no he was fine, great actually, but..."

"Freddie" Diana said without hesitation or filter.

"I mean, he was the reason I even let Jackson touch me! I did it out of spite! But now..." she trailed off

Diana thought for a moment "spite? For what? Or shall I say for which time?"

"I was leaving Jackson's place and saw the newspaper with Freddie leaving some event with a red head" Daisy confessed as the jealousy once again washed over her.

"Ah. Oksana. I forgot about her" Diana mumbled

"You KNEW about this?!" Daisy's voice was slightly outraged

"Hey! I would have gladly given you the heads up, but it just so happens, you won't tell me where you are or what your number is!" Diana defended herself.

"I honestly don't know why you don't trust me with knowing where you are"

Daisy's voice softened "it's not YOU I don't trust, I simply don't want the boys knowing, and if you know, then they'll use their rock God powers and drag it out of you"

Diana smiled, even when Daisy was upset she could throw in a little joke. She understood that Daisy wanted to be left alone for the time being, in fact she was grateful that Daisy still called her every few days.

"D, I don't know what you're feeling right now, but the fact that you feel guilt just goes to show that your body is not agreeing with being with another guy"

Diana's explanation made sense to Daisy, in fact, she thought the same thing, but how else was she meant to move on? She couldn't put her life on hold for someone she could never have a healthy relationship with.

"Di I need to do this. I need to close that chapter and start a new one. I can't do that if I just sit around"

"It's funny you mention new chapters, I have something to ask you" Diana said with a hint of excitement.

"Go on" Daisy said while hopping into bed and laying down.

"As you know, I lead a boring life being pregnant out of wedlock to the drummer of Queen" she began sarcastically "so, just to spice things up, Roger and I have decided to...get married!"

ENDLESS LOVE (Vol II)Where stories live. Discover now