Part 9- "He won't be ok without you"

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Freddie desperately tried to keep his eyes off Daisy during the wedding photos. He knew that if he focused on her, he would get worked up and end up throwing her onto the ground and stripping her naked.

As they relocated to various locations trying to capture the best angles, mainly due to Diana screaming "make me look skinny!" every few seconds, a small crowd had gathered around and watched as Queen stood in front of them casually having their pictures taken.

Freddie was growing increasingly annoyed at three women who stood behind him and whispered. He could hear them giggling but couldn't understand their whispers which made him increasingly paranoid.
Daisy who stood nearby, tried to cover her growing smile. Her Italian was very basic, but she could piece  together the sexual comments that the three women were making.

"It's nothing bad, they think you have a great ass" Daisy giggled to Freddie.
Freddie rolled his eyes "is that honestly all that have time to think about?"
"I can't blame them" Daisy confessed.
Freddie turned his head and gave a small smile.
"Listen I know we haven't had a chance to talk today, I didn't want to take away from Rog and Di, but I'm here for a few more days so maybe we could have a drink?" Daisy suggested casually.
Freddie instantly became excited and nervous "yes, yes sure I mean that's a great idea"
"But...this isn't...I mean it's not a reconciliation it's more of an understanding" Daisy began with a slightly more serious tone.
Freddie frowned "understanding?"
Daisy nodded "yeah, I know I'm like a moth to the flame when it comes to you, and I keep getting captured by your light, but we're going to be in each others lives, and I think we need some boundaries"
Freddie didn't like this conversation and crossed his arms dismissing the idea "boundaries? So by boundaries you mean we fuck randomly and then you become stand-offish till the next time?"
Daisy became alarmed "oh God no! No! I know that since we've split I've slept with you twice, but surely you can see that that's not healthy for either of us"
Freddie took her forearm and pulled her in to him "the only thing that's not healthy is that I want to fuck you for the rest of my life and you're too fucking stubborn to move on and come back to me"

Daisy frowned as she stared into Freddie's eyes which were filled with anger "stubborn?" She repeated "that's what you think this is about? Me simply being stubborn? WOW!"
Freddie instantly eased up and let go of her "no of course not, you've been through a lot..."
"No! A lot would be getting stabbed, losing my baby, having cheating rumours circulating in the papers, getting hate mail and death threats! I've had all of that AND had my FIANCÉE fuck some slut and then have her confession and the pictures thrown in my face" Daisy was visibly angry and upset now.

John hurried over having noticed the commotion "what's going on?" He asked concerned looking to both Freddie and Daisy.
"Oh nothing, just re living our wonderful past and all our fine memories" Daisy replied sarcastically.
"I told you I didn't do it! Get over it!" Freddie replied loudly.
John's jaw dropped "mate, noooooo" he said to Freddie shaking his head in disbelief.
Daisy stared at Freddie, his words repeating in her head. Trying desperately to hold back her tears, she open palm slapped him across the face "fuck you!"

Storming off, she looked at Diana who was completely shocked and in disbelief having no idea what was going on "I'm so sorry, I need a minute" as she ran off crying.

"Why on God's green earth would you tell her to get over it?! WHY!?" John yelled at Freddie.
Freddie rubbed the side of his face "I was upset, she pissed me off!"
"Can you for a minute take your head out of your own ass and have a bit of empathy? You're lucky she even speaks to you and you tell her to get over it?!" John was livid.
"You WHAT?!" Roger called out as he and Diana stepped into the conversation "FRED! Come on man! Honestly! You're making it really hard to support you"
Diana took a seat and rubbed her belly "can one of you please go see if she's alright, I'm cramping"

Brian rushed off quickly and jogged in the direction Daisy went in. He found her sitting beside a large tree overlooking the ocean. Her sobs were heartbreaking. He stood for a moment trying to think of something consoling to say to her. Failing to come up with anything worthy enough, he kneeled next to her, and wrapped his arms around her. She immediately returned the embrace and cried harder. Placing his hand on the back of her neck he could feel how hot her skin had gotten, and the pulse in her neck was beating strongly. She was working herself up and needed to calm down.

"Daisy" he said soothingly "sweetheart I know you're hurting, and I know he's a dick, but I also know he loves you and you love him"
Daisy continued to cry without acknowledging his comment.
"We all really like you D, and Fred is our brother, but brother or not, if we didn't believe his innocence we wouldn't all be rooting for you and him to get back together" Brian's words were sincere enough to force Daisy to look up. Her make-up ran down her cheeks in streams, her eyes red, her bottom lip trembling.
"I just can't....I can't get over it Bri! I love him, I love him so much that I feel physically sick at the thought of him with someone else, or to even be alive without him" her voice went quiet as she looked out to the sea. Brian noticed the change in energy of the conversation, and began to worry at its direction
"D you will work this out somehow" he quickly said trying to add something positive without actually knowing what to say.
Daisy scoffed "somehow. That's the magic word, Brian, what is somehow huh? How does one somehow get over the love of their life cheating on them? How do I erase those images of him bending her over the bed fucking her, huh? Tell me so I can do it and move on from this! If this so called, somehow, was an option then I'd be taking it, but it's not that easy"

Daisy was right, the damage was done regardless of whether it was true or not.
Planting a seed of doubt does more harm than all the love in the world. Doubt causes uncertainty which adds cracks into foundations that were once strong and secure.

Brian put his arm around her and pulled her close. The two of them looked over the water and watched the small fishing boats glide across the surface in the distance. The sun rays glistened and reflected off the waves like diamonds causing both of them to sigh.
"D, you can either follow your heart or follow your head. I can't tell you what to do, but one thing I know. If you decide to leave Fred for good because you can't find a way to move on, then you will lose someone who would love you with an intensity like no other. You're his life Daisy, he won't be ok without you"

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