Part 2-"Will you please just hire a wedding planner!"

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Oksana went upstairs while Roger and Freddie continued to sit in the living room.
Roger made sure she was out of sight before glaring at Freddie "have you completely lost your fucking mind! I mean out of all the dumb fucking things you've done, you slept with the Russian chick?"

Freddie knew Roger was right, he himself was disgusted that he went there and what made it worse was that he didn't even remember it happening.
"I guess I did" he confessed
Rogers face turned puzzled "you guess? There's no black and white mate, did your penis go into her vagina?"
Freddie thought for a moment. They woke up naked together, something must have happened "I really don't remember, I passed out I think"
Roger shook his head disappointed "wow"

After Roger left, Freddie made his way upstairs and was surprised to see Oksana wearing his T-shirt with a pair of his jeans "I hope you don't mind, I didn't want to go home in a formal dress" she said noticing Freddie's facial expression.
"That's....fine" he said despite being unsure of how he felt about her being in his clothes after one night.
"Oksana" he began as he sat on the edge of the bed "about last night..."
"Mmmmm yes you were sooooo amazing, hopefully we can do it again" she purred, wrapping her arms around him from behind.
Freddie had gotten his confirmation.
"I'm quite excited about the wedding" She said as she let him go and sat beside him.
Freddie looked over at her confused "the wedding?"
Oksana laughed "yes silly, Rogers wedding? I'm assuming that you will be taking me"
Freddie paused for a moment and tried to process the endless surprises he was receiving one after another that morning. Sleeping with Oksana, Rogers engagement, Oksana inviting herself to the wedding and wearing his clothes. His head felt like it would explode.
Changing the subject Oksana quickly added "by the way, my uncles driver will be here soon, walk me out?"
"Ah...sure" Freddie replied standing up.

Oksana has made sure that her place beside Freddie was being formalised in the public eye. She had tipped off the press with an anonymous phone call while Freddie was downstairs with Roger, that Freddie Mercury's new love interest had spent the night with him and would be leaving Garden Lodge shortly.

Oksana opened the front gate and made sure that both her and Freddie were clearly visible to the flashing cameras.
Freddie was surprised by the amount of photographers especially at that time of the morning, his surprise continued as Oksana gave him a deep and long kiss on the mouth for the press to see and captured.
"Bye baby" she said loud enough for them to hear "thanks for lending me your clothes" she made her way to her uncles black Bentley with a smug smile and got in.

"How was your night?" Alex asked, startling Nicola.
"You're here" she replied surprised
"I am" he smiled "answer my question"
"Fine, as expected. I had a...setback, but it worked out in the end" she added casually
Alex gave a mocking laugh "you fucked him while he was drugged?"
"Not quite. He believes we had sex, he passed out" Nicola confessed slightly embarrassed.
Alex looked at Viktor "see Viktor? THIS is a prime example of what you don't want to happen with your daughter"
"Fuck you!" Nicola hissed.
Alex went serious "fuck me?" He repeated coldly "you're so desperate for a man that you had his girlfriend stabbed and nearly killed, and now you're drugging him while wearing a wig and some ridiculous prosthetic nose, chin and contact lenses"
Nicola smirked "look who's talking uncle, don't forget what YOU'VE done for Daisy"
The two looked away from each other and stared out the car window.
"Face it, we need each other for this to work, let's not argue" Alex said while continuing to avoid making eye contact.


Daisy and Caroline had the night off work and decided to have some one-on-one time at Mama Castro a small run down restaurant that made the most delicious southern food in New Orleans.
While waiting for their order, Daisy had confessed that she and Jackson had an intimate moment in his room.
"I KNEW IT!" Caroline said loudly
"Shhhhh!" Daisy hushed "it's no big deal"
Caroline raises an eyebrow "honey, the guy is constantly staring at you, I've seen what Jackson is like with no-big-deal types of girls, and you are DEFINITELY something to him"

Daisy sighed. She knew Jackson watched her, she could feel him on her whoever they worked together.
She desperately tried to convince herself that she should stick to what is safe and what will ultimately keep her happy in the long run.
Maybe she could learn to love Jackson? After all, she was besotted by Freddie and yet during their time together she was nearly stabbed to death, had her heart broken and had to leave the country. Love doesn't always guarantee happiness.
"So....I saw the paper the other day" Caroline began cautiously.
"So did I" Daisy confessed "hence me and Jackson"
"How are you feeling about it?" Caroline asked without trying to upset Daisy.
Daisy shrugged "pretty shit. I'm hurt...devastated actually. I thought....I hoped that he would be in the same level of pain as I am but clearly he's moving on"
Caroline picked up a slice of warm bread which had been placed on the table and began to butter it "don't be silly, you know men deal with things differently"
"Maybe" Daisy trailed off
"And the wedding? What's the go?" Caroline asked while taking a bite of her buttered bread
"I'll call Diana tomorrow and see what the dates are. I can't imagine it'll be anything drastic with such a short time frame"


Roger paced back and forth annoyed as he yelled down the phone "Does anyone speak ENG-LISH!?"
Diana threw her head back and spoke to the ceiling
"Roger, I'm begging you! You will never be able to plan a wedding in such short time in ITALY! Let's just do it here"
"Diana please! Stop being so negative!" Roger hushed.
"Will you please just hire a wedding planner!" Diana begged.
Roger put the phone down on the receiver " fine you win. I'll call your stupid wedding planner"

Diana and Roger's wedding had fast graced the cover of every magazine and paper in the country.
Having hired the UK's best and most flamboyant wedding planner Marco Di'Arneè , Diana and Rogers nuptials were set to take place in seven days in Positano, Italy.
The invitations had been sent out discreetly to over 300 guests, which much to Diana's distress, was the cut down version.
Diana made herself a bath and lay in the hot water. She closed her eyes and thought about the speed in which her life had taken off. She placed her hand on her belly "you definitely won't have a boring life little one"


"Daisy you need to learn the time difference between us if this is how you're choosing to continue our friendship" Diana yawned as she answered the phone half asleep.
"How's you know it was me?" Daisy asked surprised
"Who else would call me at 3am?" Diana replied matter of factly "but it's good you called, there's been a change in plan for the wedding"
Daisy smiled to herself "and what would that change be exactly?"
"Italy" Diana said bluntly
"....Italy?" Daisy repeated
"That's right" Diana laughed
"Right...." Daisy said in a semi shock "well if that's what you want"
"Uh no. That's what Roger wants" Diana laughed "I would have been happy with a back yard ceremony"
Daisy laughed. Diana was anything but extravagant and given that she was also pregnant, Daisy knew how stressed her friend would have been feeling.
"I'm sure it will be amazing. I can't wait" Daisy lied. Despite being infinitely happy for Diana,she was scared to see Freddie so soon. She knew their break up was final this time, but she didn't want her old feelings creeping back when she saw him.
She patiently listened to Diana give her all the wedding details and wrote them all down while her heart clenched painfully in her chest.

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