Part 13- "Trust me, I was thrown off the most"

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Freddie looked at Daisy intently "What do you need to tell me?"
Regret instantly overcame Daisy.
She bit her lip and looked down at her lap pausing while weighing up the pros and cons of telling Freddie about the truth of her sudden departure from Italy.

Pro-he would forgive her and stop thinking she didn't love him.
Con-he would be in danger.

"Jesus" she whispered to herself "if I tell you, I need you to promise me that you won't say a word to anyone"

Freddie frowned, he wasn't expecting her to reveal a secret but he was now curious.

"I swear it stays here between us" he promised.

She took a deep breath "I'm not really with Jackson. I never was. The truth is, I don't feel like you and I are a good fit" Lying to him was painful.

"That's the big secret?" He asked raising his left brow feeling let-down.

"I didn't say it was big" she mumbled.

Freddie turned to her "Daisy, I don't know how I can possibly prove that you are the best fit for me, you're beautiful, caring, you're everything I love, and you're normal"

"Normal?" She repeated amused.

"On good days yes, normal" he smiled "how can you even question our love? Do you have such little faith?"

She had plenty of faith, but also fear, fear that he would get hurt by someone, who had already proven that they are more than willing to cause serious harm if they didn't get what they want.
She had made it out easy, but there was no guarantee that Freddie would also.

Freddie's hand slid on top of Daisy's. She looked at his fingers, long, masculine,warm, wrapped around hers.

She remembered laying on top of him on the couch back at Garden Lodge. It was raining that day and she was cold. Freddie's body heat was always higher than hers so he joked that he would be her personal water bottle. Their legs wrapped around eachother. He would take her hand and unconsciously rub it with his thumb lovingly.

"Whatever you say or do, you know I'll love you. I've loved you from the moment I saw you from the stage, I knew you were the girl I would marry and have children with" he confessed to her openly.

Daisy gave a half smile "but we're not married and we don't have kids"

Freddie kissed the back of her hand "not yet darling"

His confidence in their reunion gave Daisy a sense of ease, as if everything would somehow work out and they would live happily ever after.
Maybe they would, one day, but for now, Daisy was concerned about Freddie and couldn't risk anything happening to him.
Pulling her hand out of his, she looked into his eyes, a mistake she had made countless times before. His soulful brown eyes, the beginning of her end. He had the ability to stare so deeply into her soul that she could feel him inside her.
Bitting her bottom lip while fighting the urge to not kiss him, he knew that she was in the middle of an internal battle of willpower.

"Let me make this easier" he whispered as he leaned in and kissed her. His smooth, warm lips were her point of no return.
She took the back of his neck and pushed him into her before straddling him.
Holding her firmly on his lap, he returned her eager kisses with the same enthusiasm that she was showing.
Feeling himself get hard, he pushed her down harder.
A small moan escaped her. He smiled into her mouth proudly, knowing that he was the cause of her pleasure.

"We can't" she let out mid kiss

He nodded "yes, yes we can"

Freddie Mercury knew two things very well, the first was how to sing, the second was how to drive Daisy Robinson to her absolute limits sexually without even trying. He was naturally a charming and seductive man, but with her, something simply clicked. It was like he instinctively knew how to touch her.

The lights began to flicker as the elevator jolted suddenly. Daisy quickly pulled away from Freddie who continued to hold her waist.

"What was that?!" She asked alarmed.

The doors began to wedge open inch by inch, Daisy jumped up and adjusted her skirt. A crow bar had pushed the doors apart finally and a very happy firefighter peered in.

"Holy shit it's Freddie Mercury!" He called out in amazement as he saw a flustered Freddie, still sitting on the floor rather annoyed that he was interrupted.


With the rescue mission concluded, Freddie had given some autographs and took pictures with the firefighters.
Reluctantly, both Daisy and Freddie along with a nurse, stepped into a second elevator and made their way up to the maternity ward.
Brian welcomed Daisy in a surprisingly cheerful manner, and was shocked when he was told about their elevator incident.

He tried to hide his smile as he listened to the story, and wondered what had happened between them while trapped.
Brian was a romantic, and like Freddie, he knew that Daisy was his one and only.
Often he felt jealousy that he wasn't able to find their type of love for himself.
He saw the way Freddie would look at Daisy, there was a sparkle that you could not fake. It wasn't the type of thing that grew over time, it was simply there, waiting to meet that person that would activate it. He knew Freddie had found the one when he sang to her at the concert. No matter what anyone said or what was going on, in the end they would end up together, not by choice but fate.

Roger made his way over and gave Daisy a luke warm reception. His dull expression had hurt Daisy greatly. Her and Roger always had a great rapport, and he was now married to her best friend, she couldn't bare the idea of him disliking her.

"Can I see her?" Daisy asked sheepishly referring to Diana.

"Do what you want, she's in there" Roger pointed to Diana's room "I'm grabbing a coffee" he announced then walked off. Freddie rushed after him.

Daisy dropped her head sadly.

"Don't!" Brian warned her "don't you dare let him get to you like that! Rog is...hurt. Fred hasn't been doing too great and that Italy thing threw us all off"

Daisy scoffed "trust me, I was thrown off the most"

Brian gave a puzzled look "I'm not sure how that's possible"

Daisy took a deep and tortured breath. She needed someone on her side, someone to share her burdens with.
Letting out her breath, she quickly told him everything about the letter that she had received, how she wasn't in love with Jackson but used him as an excuse which he knows about, and that the only reason she did it was out of love and Freddie's well being.

Brian pushed his wild curls down flat against his head with both hands.

"Fuck!" He eventually blurted out "so this whole thing..."

Daisy nodded "yeah, I'm terrified for his safety"

"D you need to tell him!" Brian pleaded

"No!" Daisy replied fearfully "what if they find out and..."

Brian thought for a moment "ok for now we say nothing, but you need to come back to England D, this whole living on the other side of the world thing is destroying Di and Fred"

A nurse popped out from Diana's delivery room "it's time! Can we get dad in here?" She asked calmly.

With lightning speed, Brian ran off towards the elevator to find Roger, while Daisy rushed into Diana's room.

She poked her head into the room "I was in the neighbourhood, thought I'd drop by" she smiled as Diana's face lit up "JESUS CHRIST COME HERE AND HOLD MY HAND! DON'T LET ROGER NEAR ME HE DID THIS TO MEEEEEEE!" She screamed mid contraction.

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