Part 29-"I don't understand, what are you saying"

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Daisy woke to an odd headache. Slowly sitting up she clutched to both sides of her head as the dull throbbing pain pushed deep into her brain.

She turned expecting to see Freddie peacefully sleeping beside her, but was greeted with a small white piece of paper on his empty pillow.

My dearest,

I have gone to get some things for breakfast from the store, shower, get dressed, relax, and I'll be back shortly.

I love you,

Freddie x

Daisy smiled at his thoughtful gesture, and made her way towards the bathroom to take on Freddie's suggestion.

The water was warm and refreshing, it was exactly what she needed to help move along the pain in her head.

Wrapping herself in a fluffy white towel, she stepped through the steam and was startled by Freddie standing beside the bed.

His face was white and ill looking.

"Freddie! You're back! What's wrong?!" Daisy asked her tone full of concern.

He extended his hand to her "come here darling"

Daisy nervously stepped towards him and took it.

Looking up at him she began to fear that something had happened while he was out.

"Please tell me what's wrong" she asked again this time her voice breaking slightly.

"Darling, I...I love you so much. I had a romantic breakfast planned and I wanted to...I wanted to do all these things, but then I realised something. We are surrounded by so much danger and us being together formally, until we know what going on is dangerous. I can't risk that" Freddie kept his eyes down as he spoke.

Daisy shook her head in confusion "I don't understand, what are you saying"

He took a deep breath "perhaps, for now, we should just enjoy what we have, and after we get back to London we can hire someone to help with whoever is making threats, then we can talk marriage"

Daisy was stunned by his response, and despite understanding his logic and decision, was hurt. She looked to her ringless finger. Only a few short hours ago, they were blissfully happy and now, he was retracting the proposal.

Trying to blink away the tears in her eyes she quickly nodded agreeingly "yeah, I understand, it's fine, it's fine"

Freddie lifted her chin with his finger gently "Hey, I'm not saying never, just not now" he spotted the glistening of tears in her eyes. He pulled her into his chest "you know I love you"

Daisy silently cried and pressed her face into his shirt trying to hide the traces.

She pulled away and smiled "of course, I love you too" her red eyes exposed her sadness.

Freddie sighed and placed his hand on her cheek "I promise, when we do marry, it will be the most magical day of your life"

Daisy forced a smile "stop worrying, I'm fine. Let me throw on a dress and start the day"

Before Freddie could respond, Daisy rushed into the bathroom and half closed the door. She leaned both hands on the vanity and looked up into the mirror.

Her sad reflection made her feel worse about herself before clutching at her stomach which was now overrun by anxiety.

Her paranoia began to consume her, he wouldn't touch her last night and today he takes back the engagement, what would he do next?

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