Part 14- "ROGER figured it out"

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Nervously, both Diana's and Rogers parents, Daisy, Freddie, Brian, John and Miami sat silently while patiently occupying themselves with magazines in the waiting room.

Freddie and Daisy each took turns sneaking glances at each other without anyone else noticing.

Daisy smiled at the sudden influx of nurses who slowly and casually walked past the boys while batting their eyelids at them in hopes in grabbing their attention.

It wasn't until two of them walked over to ask for autographs from the boys that Daisy's smile disappeared.

"Uh Freddie, sorry but would you like to have a coffee with me downstairs?" An attractive young nurse hopefully stood in front of Freddie while smiling broadly.
Freddie awkwardly sat up and looked to Brian who seemed to delight in Freddie's awkwardness.

"Uh love, I'm here for my friend and it's really not appropriate right now" Freddie kindly rejected.

He could see she was embarrassed and let down which made him feel terrible. He was always so carefully not to offend or upset fans.

He gave a sigh and looked to Brian "have them page me if anything happens I'll run back" he instructed.

Brian laughed "Good plan Fred, let's announce Freddie Mercury's location in the entire hospital"

"Good point, just say, Bob then" Freddie gave the nurse a small smile and began to make his way towards the elevator with her.

"He's too good to 'em" Miami commented as the elevator doors shut.

"He's not good to all of them" John smiled as he leaned back into his chair comfortably.

Brian laughed "he ripped Oksana a new one the other day and told her to fuck off"

Miami had a weakness for gossip, so naturally he turned his entire body towards Brian, crossed his legs and smiled "oh do tell!"

"Not much to tell really" Brian began "we were at Fred's place discussing songs, she came over demanding Fred's attention and he lost his shit"

"Actually" John interrupted "he looked at her quite coldly and asked why the fuck she thought she had any right to interrupt him while he's working. She got really hot headed, he stood up and THEN told her to fuck off"

Daisy hid her smile well and picked up a magazine that lay beside her to appear as though she wasn't interested.

Miami whistled "wow! Good on him! I couldn't stand that snobby mole, all she did was make demands and complain. I always wondered how her and her..." He trailed off as he became conscious of Daisy sitting seats away.

Daisy looked up "don't worry Miami, I'm under no dissolution that he hasn't had sex with her"

Brian rubbed his chin "well you know what? He's been really good about avoiding her. He keeps it to short day time visits, phone calls, stuff like that. He reckons he's slept with her once, but he doesn't remember it"

John looked shocked "once?! Wouldn't she complain about it?"

"Not of she's desperate to keep him" Brian replied "not like you two huh?" Brian laughed looking at Daisy who blushed at the reference of her sex life with Freddie.


Freddie sat politely across from the nurse who's name was Veronica. Her hands trembled as she sipped her coffee and struggled to keep eye contact.

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