Part 15-"Push your tongue to the roof of your mouth"

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Unfortunately, the premature announcement of baby Taylor, had left everyone where they were hours earlier, in the waiting room.

An elderly nurse kindly came over and sympathetically smiled at the tired faces looking back at her "this may still be a while, Mrs Taylor isn't dilating and it looks like it'll be quite some time still. Why don't you all go home and we'll have someone call when she's progressed a bit more"

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Miami yawned as he stretched his arms above his head.

"I mean, we could all use a good nights sleep" Brian agreed before turning to Daisy "do you have a hotel yet?"

"Uh no I came here direct from the airport" Daisy replied realising suddenly that she had absolutely no where to stay.

"Well you're welcome to stay at mine if you'd like, I just moved so I have two spare rooms" Brian offered as everyone began to stand up.

"Oh! Would that be ok?" Daisy was grateful for the offer.

Freddie was slightly annoyed that Brian has beaten him to offering Daisy a room, but then again, there was a high chance she would have said no to him, given what was going on between them.


Brian's home was very Brian. Classic, neat, various books on various topics scattered all over, lots of teacups left everywhere, and a surprisingly large amount of houseplants.

"Wow Bri! It's gorgeous!" Daisy said as she looked around smiling at the small details that only Brian would think to include.

She picked up a framed photo of the band back placed on a chest of draws from when they'd just gotten together. Freddie stood out with his long hair, dark eye make up and flamboyant outfit.

Brian interrupted her thoughts "I'll pop the kettle on, let you shower and settle, and if you'd like we can start brainstorming?"

"That would be great, I desperately need a shower" she confessed pulling a face.

Brian lead her upstairs to her room which was surprisingly timeless and beautifully decorated. It was nothing extravagant, but Daisy was impressed by its appearance .

"Is it alright?" Brian asked putting his arm around Daisy

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"Is it alright?" Brian asked putting his arm around Daisy.

"Alright? Can I move in?" Daisy joked.

Brian brought up her suitcase placed it down gently next to the bed "Freshen up and I'll meet you downstairs, no rush"

Quickly opening her suitcase she rummaged through her clothes and found a pair of comfortable house pants and one of Freddie's old T-shirt's that she had stolen from him. It was nothing fancy, but it was comfortable and made her think of him.


Freddie sat outside Brian's house in his car. It had been a while since he had driven himself anywhere due to security reasons.
It was a surprisingly warm night, he looked outside at the lights which shone from Brian's living room and from a single room upstairs. Looking around the street quickly, he made sure that it was empty before stepping out, and rushing over to Brian's front door.

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