Part 44-"You ok Rog?"

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Daisy sat stunned as Freddie regretfully explained not only why he had exploded, but also that he had told Kash, and now the news would hit world wide, that Roger Taylor had cheated on his wife.

"Say something" his voice was gentle and worried. He wasn't sure how or if Daisy was processing what she had just heard.

"I need a minute" she replied staring ahead at the closed door of the room.

"I know it's a lot to..."

"Ya think?!" Daisy snapped, interrupting Freddie's sentence "I mean, what the hell Fred? Is this my life now? This constant drama? Am I ever going to catch a break?"

Freddie frowned his brows. His lip began to quiver in fear over her next sentence "are...are you leaving me?"

"What?!" She asked annoyed finally looking at him "don't be a moron, this isn't about US right now, our problems are the least of my concerns"

Our problems? So they do have problems Freddie thought.

"You're right" he agreed without pushing the matter any further. His hand crept towards hers and gently took it. Her palms were hot and damp, she was angry and upset.

Giving a small squeeze she sighed as her eyes drifted over his delicate fingers. Masculine and soft at the exact same time. Tiny lines around his knuckles, his long fingers.

I miss those fingers so much....stop it

Shaking herself out of an potentially sexual situation, she looked back up at his face.

"She needs to hear it from him before news breaks, she'll kill him if she finds out through the papers"

Freddie thought for a moment "perhaps if we all sit down with a tea and talk it over"

Daisy raised a single unimpressed brow "darling, the more time wasted, the higher the chance of her finding out and" she ran her finger across her own throat "not that he doesn't deserve it the filthy pig" she added with a mumble.

"Maybe she'll be ok...I mean it was just a kiss" Freddie's attempt to ease the situation failed.

"Just a kiss? So you'd just kiss someone behind my back then?" Daisy was fuming at the suggestion that a kiss was easily accepted "think of how you responded to the idea of me with Alex, and nothing even happened there!"

"Point taken" Freddie quickly added before saying anything else that would get him into trouble.


Diana impatiently sat in the living room opposite Roger, waiting for Daisy and Freddie to come back down.

"They'll work it out, I'm sure of it" she kept saying out loud, despite Roger's complete inability to focus on anything that she was saying.

While continuously rubbing his hands together, his anxieties were far too powerful to ignore, even for someone as upbeat and hyperactive as him.

Freddie and Daisy finally emerged from the bedroom. Their expressions were unreadable.

They stood united and yet they were divided. The division was Roger and Diana. The calm before the storm.

Diana looked to both with a smile then embraced them "see! Love conquers all!"

Freddie gave a quick glance at Daisy who was already looking at him. Despite Diana not being a typical romantic type of woman, she always looked to Freddie and Daisy as a modern day fairy tale, and now her own live was about to unravel and she had no idea.

Roger turned on the tv in hopes that the extra sound in the room would help ease the tension.

As fate wound have it, the news was on and karma was in full swing.

In entertainment news, reports of Roger Taylor from the band Queen, having an affair with an unidentifed woman, have hit the world this morning. The news broke as an insider reported that Queen lead singer Freddie Mercury, was very upset by having caught Taylor personally in the act.

No word on how Taylor's wife, Diana Taylor is taking the news. We will keep you posted.

All four stared at the tv. The words of the news reporter were a buzz in their ears.

Terrified of what was about to happen, Daisy slid her hand into Freddie's and pulled herself closer to him.
Giving her a gentle squeeze, Freddie kept his eyes on Roger who was glued into the couch.

Diana left the room and made her way upstairs, leaving Roger with Daisy and Freddie.

"I'll go after her" Daisy said quietly to Freddie who nodded and kissed the back of her hand.

Freddie hesitantly sat beside Roger who was still staring at the tv.

"You ok Rog?" Freddie's voice was gently and sympathetic.

"I'm not mate no" with a momentary pause he stood up and walked out of the house.

"Shit" Freddie swore to himself. Leaning back on the couch he rested his head while trying to figure out what would happen next.


Diana took no time to feel sorry for herself. Daisy watched her hurriedly pack her suitcase with her belongings. Throwing everything in without any effort to fold it.

"Di you need to slow down" Daisy calmly suggested while watching her best friend frantically throw random things into her bag.

"No time to slow down D, I need to go" Her words were hurried.

Daisy was afraid to ask any further. Was Diana leaving for good? Was she leaving to clear her head? Where was she going?

Freddie appeared in the doorway, he knocked on the open door and stepped inside gently.

Diana made no attempt to look at him or stop what she was doing "hi Freddie, have you come to tell me some more news about my husbands affair...oh wait! That's right, YOU didn't tell me, the fucking news did!" She looked up at Freddie, her eyes were full of tears. She felt betrayed by everyone. A secret that everyone knew but her.

Freddie wanted to say something, anything, to comfort Diana.

Diana laughed at Freddie's silence "just as I thought, silence, cause you're all the fucking same"

Daisy jumped in "Di you're upset, this isn't Freddie's fault he wanted to tell you"

Diana aimed her eyes at Daisy now "but he didn't did he, come to think of it neither did you"

Stunned by the sudden attack Daisy's eye went wide "excuse me?! I only JUST found out upstairs and may I remind YOU that when I was in hospital, EVERYONE knew about my miscarriage and decided to say NOTHING to me, so before you point fingers Diana, perhaps take a look in the mirror"

Picking up her suitcase, Diana pushed by Freddie and Diana.

Silently they listened to her stomp down the stairs and slam the door as she left.

Alone, the Mercury's stood in the Taylors home. Neither knew what would come next and how this would effect them.

Freddie took a deep breath before pausing "well that went as well as it could...."

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