Part 28-"Why wouldn't you just live here?"

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***Authors Note***
This chapter is slightly shorter than usual only because the next chapter needs its own.
Enjoy xx

Freddie's shock proposal had completely thrown Daisy. Despite having only that morning discussed taking things slow, her and Freddie were yet again engaged.

Smiling for their short walk back to the cottage, Freddie began to openly plan the wedding in the only way he knew how. Extravagant.

As he began to discuss his ideas, Daisy silently dreaded the sheer theatrics of his words, and secretly wished that rather than turning their nuptials into a circus, it would be simple and refined.

But Daisy knew Freddie, and she loved that his enthusiasm from the stage leapt into their private life, after all, it was his wedding too. If Freddie wanted a huge event, then she would be happy to give it to him.

Arriving at the house, they noticed a car parked out the front. Slowing down as they approached,they eyed it off carefully.

The doors opened slowly as an elderly couple stepped out.

Freddie released his pent up breath in relief. He was thankful that is wasn't a reporter or worse, paparazzi.

"Hallo!" Greeted a kind looking elderly gentleman who slowly made his way over "I am Lucas Alleman and this is my wife Eva"

"Oh right yes, how do you do, I'm Freddie this is my fiancé Daisy" Freddie replied, smiling at his own use of the word fiancé.

After quick introductions, Freddie invites the Allemans inside which they'd kindly accept for tea.

Despite the cottage belonging to them, Lucas and Eva treat their presence inside as though they are guests in Freddie and Daisy's home.

Immediately they all begin to discuss how Lucas has built the cabin when he was merely 18, and over the years due to its view and location, visitors had asked to rent it from them. As the money accumulated they were able to expand it and have it professionally renovated to suit a more luxury clientele.

"Why wouldn't you just live here?" Daisy asked while looking around the room warmly "it's perfect"

Lucas pulled a face "oh heavens no! In the winter, it's hit with the coldest wind and pressure drop, it's terrible for my arthritis, we live not far from here but a little more secluded from the weather" he explained.

While the four of them continued chatting away, Freddie and Daisy couldn't keep their eyes off each other. Freddie was growing impatient and desperately wanting to ravage Daisy on any surface that he could, but also didn't want to rudely kick their guests out.

"Would anyone like some tea?" Daisy asked standing up.

"Oh yes, I'll come help dear, let the men chat" Eva suggested as she rose to her feet and the two of them made their way to the kitchen.

Lucas turned to Freddie "she's a beautiful girl, how long have you been engaged?"

Freddie laughed "about an hour"

"An hour?!" Lucas repeated surprised "that's very new then. I met Eve when she was 6 years old, we married at 18. Intact we married two days after I proposed"

"Why the hurry?" Freddie asked curiously.

"I couldn't wait to start my life with her" Lucas admitted with a smile "we were so in love and a drawn out wedding was something neither of us wanted so we went to the church, had our parents there, got married and walked home"

Freddie was amazed by the simplicity of the story "And you never regretted not making it a big deal?"

"My dear boy, we got married for US not for anyone else, besides, marriage is a big deal whether there's a hundred people or two. We just wanted to be together and that was enough for us" Lucas' eyes began to glaze over with his memories.

"Any words of advice for married life?" Freddie asked genuinely.

"Always remember. It's never you against her, it's you and her against the problem" Freddie was impressed by the advice. Despite its simplicity, people often forgot that the solution was far more important that who was right during a disagreement.

Entering the living room, Daisy and Eva each held a tray, one with tea and teacups, the other with biscuits and sliced tea cakes.


As the night began to come to a close, Freddie managed to pull Lucas aside before he and his wife left "could you do me a favour and help me tomorrow?"

"Of course, anything Freddie what can I do?" Lucas agreed without hesitation.

"Can you pick me up in the morning say 8am?" Freddie asked quietly.

"Certainly" Lucas replied without asking any further.

As they all bid each other good night, Freddie put his arm around Daisy as they waited for the car to drive off, before turning around and going inside.

"Mmmm darling lets shower and go to sleep I'm absolutely beat" Freddie yawned dramatically.

Daisy was half disappointed at his suggestion, but realised that she was quite tired herself and she could probably survive a single night without Freddie all over her.

After a quick shower the two of them climbed into bed, where Daisy took her position under Freddie's arm. She gently stroked his chest hair with her hand which rested on him, while her breathing became heavier.

Planting small kisses on her head, he excitedly stared at the ceiling as his eyes began to droop with exhaustion before remaining closed.

Tomorrow would be a special day.

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