Part 37-"George, call 911

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Daisy began to panic as Freddie dragged her towards Queens security guards, who were patiently standing by the wall, and had arrived not long after the band did.

Pushing her in front of the two large men, Freddie glared at them both "you do not let her out of your sight!"

Daisy's face washed over with horror "is this necessary Fred!"

With a fury, he took her arm and pulled her again towards the open hallway "you will not disobey me! Do you understand?! He is not to speak to you ever again! We're doing this gig and leaving!" His words were like poison.

Daisy nodded quickly as the tears from her eyes began to pour down her face. She was scared and equally as upset as Freddie.

Seeing Daisy upset instantly diffused Freddie's anger.

His face softened "I'm so sorry...I'm worried, please, just listen to me ok?" He wiped her face with his hand and kissed her gently while resting his forehead in hers.

Stumbling over from behind them, Alex approached "I apologise. I...have nothing but respect and love for you both, it's these...pills and alcohol"

Despite being genuinely high and drunk, Alex was well aware that his words were not received well, and damage control was necessary.

His panic began to dominate his thoughts as well as the realisation that his actions would lead to Daisy never wanting to see him again.

"Alex, I don't appreciate you looking at my wife as though she were available to you" Freddie's alpha male persona kicked in as he stood tall in front of his wife protectively.

Alex blinked and shook his head in a daze "your...your wife?"

Unintentionally Freddie had let the word slip, but figured it was probably better for Alex to know that he was not to be tested "yes. My.wife"

Alex placed his hand on his chest as a gesture of sincerity "I apologise for any misunderstandings Freddie, I value both you and Daisy and would never dream of jeopardising our relationship"

Freddie gave a single nod of understanding, but he knew that Alex's words were simply just that, words.

"We appreciate the apology, I must go, we have our performance in a few moments" Taking Daisy's hand this time rather than her arm, Freddie walked back into the room and lead Daisy to Diana and the girls.

"Ok what has been going on tonight!" Diana questioned Daisy as she, Vee and Anita surrounded her.


With the performance coming to its finish, Alex looked around and watched as his guests sung along to We are the champions.

Most were high, the rest were drunk. Not a single body was sober in any way.

His disgust was plastered on his face which Oksana relished in "uncle why so glum? It's your birthday" she mocked.

Alex recognised her tone and turned to his niece with an equal tone "because Freddie Mercury has married Daisy"

Oksana's face dropped. Her breathing was rattled as she searched slowly for Daisy in the room. Spotting her, she stated with hatred and anger.

"I will kill her!" She threatened.

Alex took no notice of her words and continued to watch Queen as Oksana stormed off.

Viktor appeared beside Alex seemingly enjoying himself "I see Nicola is her cheerful self"

"Freddie married Daisy" Alex said bluntly while his gaze continued towards the band.

Viktor paused to digest the news "'s all over"

Alex took a sip of his drink and smacked his lips "why would it be over? It's a speed bump not a stop sign"

Viktor gave a disbelieving sigh. Despite being shocked, there was also a part of him that feared that Alex would become even more extreme now in trying to get Daisy.

He looked in the direction that Oksana stormed out from. Not knowing what mental state she was in, he worried that she would do something foolish.

As the set finished, Viktor watched as Freddie immediately rushed over to Daisy. She cupped his face and kissed his mouth lovingly.

There was no denying that they only had eyes for eachother.

Alex was also watching, but his gaze wasn't as sentimental as Viktor's.

He wondered what it would take for Daisy to see, that he can give her a life of luxury and love in a way that no one else could.

Oksana re appeared. Her face red, her eyes bloodshot, a drastic difference to how she looked moments earlier.

Alex and Viktor cautiously watched as she made her way towards Daisy. Her pace was fast and determined.

Tapping her on the shoulder, Daisy turned and was met with a punch into the stomach.

Freddie immediately caught her as she collapsed forward in pain.

The room stopped and stared at Oksana who stood with closed fists, her chest rising and falling with exaggerated breaths.

"You fucking cunt! You married him! HIM! HE WAS MINE AND YOU STOLE HIM!" Her shrieking words echoed through the room while whispered began to circulate.

In a sudden act of adrenaline, John stepped forward and punched Oksana in the jaw. She dropped to her knees and clutched her face.

"You punched me!" She screamed

John was just as surprised by his actions and stared at her, confused by his sudden outburst.

Falling to her hands, Oksana was on all fours. Her head hanging low like a shamed dog. Slowly she lifted her head and began to scamper towards Daisy screaming as though possessed.

Diana stepped forward and with all her force stepped on her back, pushing her flat against the floor like an insect.

Taking her hair she pulled her head backwards. Oksana's eyes rolled back towards her as blood began to drip from her mouth.

With a hauntingly calm expression and tone, Diana leaned down "listen to me you fucking psychotic whore. If you EVER come after ANY of the people that I love, I will cut your throat"

Roger stood by his wife, arms crossed looking proudly at her "and I'll help" he added.

Freddie continued to hold Daisy who was curled up in his arms.

"George, call 911" he called to his security guard who immediately began to dial the number on his cell phone.

Alex stood motionless, his eyes bulging out of his head with anger. He was completely overrun by rage and was unable to speak.

Brian began to organise for the driver to come and collect them from the house and go back to the hotel.

With lightning speed, the driver was out the front with the limo waiting.

Brian made his way to Alex and placed his hand on his shoulder sympathetically "I think it's best we leave, I'm terribly sorry for the night turned out Alex"

Alex gave a nod but could neither speak nor look at Brian.

As the limo drove off, the police arrived and were given a report of what had occurred.

As Oksana was taken away, Alex looked to Viktor, now visibly calmer "pay her bail, and take her back to the hotel. Tell her I will be seeing her in the morning"

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