Part 16-"Don't look away from me"

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***Warning! Some highly highly sexual content in this chapter, so if you're a tad sensitive to XXX, then I suggest you skip over it ****

Her eyes fluttered open. Momentarily she forgot where she was and panicked before fixing her eyes on him laying beside her in a deep sleep.

Her body eased at the sight of familiarity. Laying back down she watched him, his eyes gently moved below his lids, the warm breath from his nose reaching her with each exhale.

Laying on to her back, Daisy stared at the ceiling. Her hand reached for her chest and clutched the fabric above her heart. A sharp sting hit her as she began to think of her future. Her body physically signalled it's disapproval of her not including Freddie in her thoughts.

She sighed while she ran her fingers through her long hair, pulling it out from under her head while letting it fall on top of the pillow.

A strand dropped on Freddie's face causing him to stir in his sleep then sneeze himself awake.

"Sorry" she whispered apologetically.

Relieved that it wasn't all just a dream, he slid himself closer to her and nuzzled into her.

She smelled of his cologne mixed with shampoo. Smiling into her neck his moustache tickled her making her squirm and giggle.

Freddie laughed at the little girl sound that she made. She settled from her laughter and pulled her hair to the side.

Glancing past him she noticed the gloomy weather outside. The dark grey clouds hid all traces of sunlight, while tiny droplets fell from them. A perfect day to stay in bed and snuggle, she thought.

Propping himself up on his arm, he casually slid his finger down the trace of her body through the T-shirt. Small shivers engulfed her.

He smiled as he wordlessly made her squirm.

"So" she began slowly

"So" he repeated without adding any further to the statement.

"I need to tell you something" she blurted out

Freddie sat up "Uh oh" he began to mentally prepare himself for the worst.

Taking a deep and nervous breath, she looked down at her hands "that day...the day I left...I left because I had to. I lied when I said I didn't think we were a good fit"

Freddie's attention was now transfixed.

"I received a note under my door saying if I didn't stay away from you, they would hurt you the way they hurt me. I couldn't tell you or the police...I was scared that something would happen to you" her voice broke at the last word.

Freddie was in disbelief over her confession. Given their past, he had accepted that she was simply overwhelmed by his lifestyle and wanted something more normal.

He opened his mouth to speak then closed it. There was nothing he could say. He got it. She left him despite loving him, she sacrificed her own happiness for his safety.

With his head down he was speechless. He suddenly loved her more, his self doubt in her not wanting him, had completely dissolved and now there they both were. No secrets, no lies, Freddie and Daisy in their rawness with no reasons to not be together.

The heavy burden of being worried about his future with her, had lifted and he felt, easy.

He looked over at her thigh next to him. Her top was hitched up ever so slightly, exposing the side of her panties to him. The willpower from the night before was now gone, the dull ache of his need for her rose within him.

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