Chapter 17

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Rey sat on the bed as she still was thinking about telling Kylo. Rey had to come to details that she was pregnant. She was pregnant. She going to be a mom again. She has been carrying a child for a week.

Rey was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realize Kylo came in the room. "So practice was a killer today, I'm so tired, I can't need to be prepared for the game next week, " Kylo said. Rey still stays put. "Rey hi are you okay" Kylo asked.

Rey turns her head." Yeah, everything fine, " Rey said. Kylo smiles and kisses her. Rey does a shy smile at him. "Let's go to sleep," Kylo said. Rey nodes and crawls to her side of the bed. She put the covers over her and rest her head on the pillow. Kylo, of course, went to bed shirtless.

Kylo soon then falls asleep. Once Rey saw he fell asleep she got up and walked out of the room. But being Kylo of course, he was a light sleeper so anything wakes him up. Kylo watched as Rey walked out of the room. Rey walked straight to her son room and stared at him.

She slowly got in the bed with him wrapping her arms around him.  She kissed his little forehead and then she was able to sleep peacefully. Kylo looked at them and then he left the room. He went back to bed and fell back to sleep.

One well Later

Rey watched her son saying goodbye to Kylo. "Okay, Ben you take care of your mother okay big boy, now give me five" Kylo said raising his hand. Ben high five he then walked away.

Kylo walked to Rey and kissed her. "I going to miss you," Kylo said. "Me too," Rey said. Their foreheads on each other and looking at each other eyes. "Bye Ben," Rey said. "Bye, my love" Kylo said before kissing her. He pulled away and walked with his teammates.

Rey smiled and wave goodbye. She grabbed Ben hand and they both walk away. Soon after leaving the airport Rey had an appointment at the doctor. "Mrs. Solo," The doctor said. Rey looked around and got up going to the room with her son.

"Alright miss, please lift your shirt and lay down on the bed," the doctor said. Rey went on the bed and lay down lifting her shirt getting ready to be examined. "Hi, little man I'm Dr. Young what your name," she asked. "Ben,"  the boy said.

"Okay let get started I'm going to put this gel on your stomach so we can see the baby on the screen," Dr. Young said. Rey nods. Dr. Young add the gel on her stomach and Rey moved as it was a little cold. The doctor spread it around then turning on the screen. After a while, Dr. Young found the baby.

"There the baby," she said. Rey looks into the screen. She gasps. It was her baby. Her baby. Rey looks back at her stomach. "The baby an egg right now but in a few weeks the baby will start growing legs and hands," the doctor said.

"Really," Rey asked." Yes okay, you need an appointment next month" Dr. Young said. Rey nods and stays on the bed staring at the screen. Rey couldn't believe it. She turns her head to the side and watches her son playing with his toy cars. She smiles. "Ben come here," Rey said. Ben walks to her.

"See the screen the little egg is going to be your younger brother or sister," Rey said." What" he asked." You are going to be a brother, " Rey said. "Brother," He said." Yeah" Rey said. She kisses her son and hugs him.

After the appointment, Rey drove back home. She enters her house and found Maya standing. "Rey this came from the pharmacy," she said. Rey took the bottle and look at the label.

"Pregnancy vitamins gummies"

Rey looked up to Maya." Please don't tell Kylo" Rey said. "Okay I won't but he will find out sooner or later," Maya said." I know, Maya any other pills that come to the house hide and give it to me I have to find a place to hide these" Rey said. She walked away and walked to Ben room.

She watches her son play with his toys then she turns to the bathroom. She walks to sink and open the cabinet. She started to think. Why would Kylo ever go in his cabinet? So she put her pills in there. Rey breaths. She nods as she closes the cabinet. But then she stares at herself in the mirror.

"Relax Rey you can do this one way or the other he will find out," Rey said. She walks away from the cabinet and goes to play with her son.

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