Chapter 50

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"Okay guys wake up we are here," Rey said. She turns off the car and shakes Malia and Ben. Ben slowly open their eyes looking at Rey.

"What happened, mom," Malia asked. "Mal we are here, come on let's go inside," Rey said. Ben gets off the car. He looks at the cheap small, one-floor house. "This is fine I guess," he said. He went to help Malia out of the car, the same time grabbing their things.

Rey turns to face her kids and opens the door. "Okay, we can do with this" Rey said. She turns on the lamp on the side and they start to walk around. "Okay guys tomorrow I will start to explain everything, your rooms are down the hall," Rey said. Malia walks away trying to find the room but Been stays back.

"Mom, are we safe here I mean, it a small home but it's a big field with the road right there. " Ben I know you are right, okay but we are far from where we lived so we are fine," Rey said. "I don't feel fine," Ben said. He kissed Rey cheek "goodnight mom," he said before walking down the hall.

How could all of this be happening? It's not her to blame, but she didn't want to blame Kylo. Even if all of that was his fault. Rey looks down, she started to sob in her hand. She needed to be a mother to two children on her own now, while maybe a mother of three. And she not even knowing what happened to Kylo got her even more worried.

Rey needed to rest, that is what she needed to sleep. Let all the worries be worried tomorrow, but now just rest. She walked to her room. It was descent she thought. She drops the bags and turns on the lamp. The next thing she knows a pair of hands were on her mouth.

She tried to scream and get off but couldn't. "Rey, Rey hi it's me, it's me". Rey eyes opened wide and she dropped her arms from the men. He let go of her.
She turns around and smiles, jumping into his arms for a hug.

" Hux, how did you get here," Rey asked," Kylo told me where you went, he asked me to check on you," Hux said. Rey let's go of him and crossed her arms beneath her chest. She sat down on the bed. "How is he, is he fine" Rey asked.

Hux shake his head. "No, Rey Snoke has him, I don't know where, but the last thing I heard was that Snoke was sending him to an unknown place," Hux said. "Hux you have to find out where Snoke sending him," Rey said. Hux nod. "I am going to try, but I have to worry about my family too Rey, Ramona is with your family and friends in a house I rented, they're fine there," Hux said.

"Leia must have gotten a heart attack when she heard everything" Rey said. "Yeah, she didn't get a heart attack but she was disappointed, she wanted to see you but I didn't let her, I made sure she stayed with the others," Hux said. Rey gets up. "You have to find where Ben is," Rey said. "Who"?

Rey laughs " Kylo, his real name is Ben, Hux please find him". Hux nods. "I will but for now on you have to stay in here and don't leave here call me in this" Hux said. Rey watched as Hux pulls out an old school flip phone. "My number in there already okay, have it with you I have to go, I have to take care of the other now," Hux said.

Rey nods and takes the phone. Hux hugs her and leaves out the window. The sound of a car driving away made Rey now it was Hux leaving. Rey sat down on the bed and looked at the phone. She held it up on her chest and flipped it open. She looked through it and saw Hux number in it. She nods before closing it.

She couldn't go to sleep now. Only one solution to that. "Ben, Malia" she called. After a few minutes, they came in. All three of them laid on the bed ready to sleep. She always felt safe with her angles.

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