Chapter 49

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Kylo was lying on a bed in a medical room. He closed his eyes as the doctor tried to move his leg. "Ahhh" he yelled.

"I'm sorry Kylo, you are going to be fine, now you are going to hold tight while I buckle your leg back to place it will only be for a second," he said. Kylo nods and holds on to the railing. Crack.

"Fuck" Kylo yelled. He moves his leg and smiles " thank you". Kylo got up but the doctor pushes him back down. "No, you need to rest that leg," the doctor said. Kylo shakes his head. "No no sorry I have to get to my family," Kylo said. "That could wait, first your health," The doctor said." I don't care about my health right now I have to go" Kylo said.

He got off the bed and tried to stand up but almost fall on the ground." Sir, please sit" the doctor said. Kylo starts to walk, trying to make it out the door of the room. He had to get to Rey. He just hopes Rey and his kids were okay. He walked out of the hospital, having a chance to cross the street. He quickly walked across trying to ignore the pain of his leg. He then notices people were gasping and one of the few said "Kylo Ren". He looked down and kept walking.

He didn't want anyone to see him so he went to an empty alley. He looked back to see if anyone was there. He sighs and turns back to walk only to be hit by the head with a metal pole. Everything turns black.


Rey has been driving for a while. She was worried that Snoke might find them. But thank God there was no traffic. That made it easier. Ben been reading for the ride.

"Calm down mom," he said. Rey nods and looks back at the road. Ben turns to look out his window. A black car behind them, that car has been following them for a long time. "Mom, go faster," Ben said. Rey turns to face him. "What," Rey asked. "Mom that car has been following us, go faster," Ben said. Rey looks up at the black car behind them.

Rey looks back at the road and pressed on the piddle harder. Going a little faster Rey kept her eye on the black car, the car that also picks up his speed. "Malia, Ben hold on," Rey said. She looked at her kids before picking up her speed and flash out of spot she was in.


Kylo slowly opens his eyes. He looked around only to see himself tied to a chair. He gasps and opens his eyes wide. He shared himself trying to get out of the chair.

"No, no, no, NOOO". He used all the strength be had to get out of there. Finally, he gave up. He just sat there starting to cry. "Please Lord, please take care of them," he said. He was distracted by laughter from behind.

"Isn't that great, " he heard. He started to hear footsteps coming closer, that's when the light of the room turn on. Kylo turns his head to face Snoke. Smoke went in front of Kylo and sat in the chair. "Hello Kylo," he said.

"You, YOU SON OF A BITCH, I HATE YOU" Kylo yelled. Snoke laughs. " Me the bitch, Kylo you are the one who put your career before your family, you are the bitch, selfish man," Snoke said. Kylo knows for a fact that was true.

Snoke sat down "now where is your family". Kylo laughs " why would I talk you where they are," Kylo said." Your life depends on it" Snoke said. Kylo shakes his head "you think I'm going to tell you where they are, even if my life depended on it, kill me, you will never know" Kylo said.

"Your wife smart, she left the house with your kids, but not smart enough," Snoke asked. "What do you mean," Kylo asked. "Your wife, and your kids, they are being followed, my guy has his eyes on them, for all I know now your wife and kids might be dead," Snoke said. Kylo shakes his head and felt as if he was running out of air.



"HI WHAT YOUR PROBLEM", the driver said. Rey ignores the man. She kept going fast trying to get away from the other guy.

"Is he still following us?" Rey asked. "No not really GO, GO HE RIGHT BEHIND US, GO" Ben yelled. Rey looked back at the road and kept driving. "Malia you doing fine" Been asked. "I don't feel so good, something coming up my stomach" She complained.

Rey turns to face her. Rey stopped the car and rolled down Malia window. "Mom what are you doing," Ben asked." Malia is it coming up" Rey asked. Malia nods. "Throw go to the left window and throw up when I tell you so," Rey said. Ben faces her "your awesome Mom".

"NOW". Malia throws up out the window hitting the black car. After Malia was done Rey started the car and drive away from where she was.



Leia opens the door of her house. "Oh, hello," she said. "Hi I'm Hux you and your husband have to go in that car right now I explain everything on the way," Hux said.

"What," Han said coming from behind. "I could explain," Poe said walking up to the house. "Poe," Leia and Han said. "Look you and Han are in danger right now, but the worse part is your daughter in law and grandchildren life is on the line," Poe said.

"If I get in that car you better tell us everything," Han said walking out of the house.

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