Chapter 27

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Rey was sent to her own room where it was full of teddy bears and balloons. Rey was with Kylo and Rose talking as Kylo help feed hungry Rey.

"You guys have no idea how hungry I was, and tired," Rey said. "It's okay the hard parts over now you have to relax," Kylo said. Rey nods and takes another bite of her large sub that Leia promised. After taking a few more bites the nurse came with the new baby.

"Hey, I brought you, daughter, it feeding time mommy," she said. Rey cleans her mouth and gets ready to carry her daughter. The nurse walks the baby to Rey. Rey grabs her and brings her close to bee chest. "Rey she is so beautiful," Rose said.

"I know," Rey said." So what will you name her" The nurse asked? Rey looks at Kylo. "I don't know" Rey said. "Well I have one but I don't know if you will like it," Kylo said. "What is it," Rey asked. "I was thinking Malia," Kylo said. "Oh I love that name," Rose said.

"Or Naomi that's what I was thinking Malia or Naomi," Kylo said." Naomi Solo Malia Solo, Malia Naomi Solo" Rey said. "Malia Naomi Solo yeah I like," Kylo said. "Okay so Malia is her first name and Naomi is her middle," The nurse asked. "Yes," Kylo said. "Okay Malia Naomi Solo is officially your daughter name now she needs to eat ready mommy," The nurse asked. Rey nods.

Rose looks at Kylo "okay tall person is about to be Rated- R here a little so close your eyes as she takes off her boobs" Rose said. She covered his eyes with her hand. Rey laughs and takes out one of her breasts and starts to feed her baby.

Malia starts to suck on her breast. Rose took her hand off of Kylo eyes and looks at Malia. "Okay I will her name in her birth certificate and visitors are now allowed so it's a good thing you have a big room," The nurse said. She left through the door and closed it. But it was only left to be open by Leia, Han, Finn, Poe, Emma, and Ben.

Ben ran to Rey and sat on the bed. "Mommy baby sister tiny," He said. Rey laughs." Yeah, she just a newborn, but she going to grow like you" Rey said. Finn and Poe got closer but Kylo got up and walk in front of them rises his arms." No breastfeeding no one can see her boobs beside me or the baby" Kylo said.

"Yeah well I'm the grandmother and I'm going to meet the baby," Leia said pushing Kylo away. She sits next to Rey and Malia called asleep. "Do you want to pat her" Rey asked. "Yeah," Leia said. Rey passed Malia to Leia and she puts a towel on her shoulder getting ready to hold Malia.

Leia starts to pat her back then hears a burp. "Oh that sounds is beautiful sound," Leia said. Rey smiles." What you named her" Han asked looking at the little girl." Well, we named her Malia" Kylo said. "Oh I love that," Emma said. "And her middle name," Poe asked. "Well her whole name is Malia Naomi Solo," Kylo said.

"She beautiful, " Emma said. She felt her eyes getting watery. She walks out of the room, Poe stands up and turns to everyone else looking at him." Poe spill the juice what happens" Leia said. Poe looks at her. "How do you do that," He asked." I have a sense when something wrong, now tell me" Leia said.

Poe looks at his hands "well you see we tried to do an expansion and well the test results came back positive, it was a happy four weeks but one day I and Emma were resting and she starting bleeding, and the baby didn't make it we both decide that we would try to find a surrogate" Poe said. "Oh I'm so sorry," Leia said.

"Go to her," Finn said. Poe nods and walks out of the room. Rey turns to face Kylo. He looks at her and she quickly turns away from him staring at her little girl.

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