Chapter 19

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Kylo looked through the things, a pregnancy pillow. Clothing for pregnant women. He opens the bag and found some many other things.

He got up from the floor and looked at the things from distance. He heard a phone ring but it wasn't his. It came from the bathroom and he walked toward it. He looked around not finding it till he opens the cabinet and finds pregnant medication and vitamins.

He grabs the phone and answers it. "Hello," He said." Hello is this Rey Solo" Dr. Young asked. "No, I'm her husband," Kylo said. "Oh um well please tell Rey that her next appointment is in two days at 4:30 p.m." Dr. Young said. "For what," Kylo asked. "For her ultrasound," Dr. Young said. Kylo hangs up the phone and looked through the pills and medication.

He walks out of the room with her phone and a bottle of vitamins and walks to the living room. Rey looked up to Kylo as he walked in the room.

"Hi what with the face, um we found this movie," Rey said. Kylo gives Rey her phone. "Oh thank you I didn't know where I put it, where you found it, in our bed," Rey asked. "In a cabinet in Maya bathroom," Kylo said. Rey looks at him. "With these pills," Kylo said handing the jar to her. She looks up at Kylo with fear.

"You... You weren't supposed to find out as this" Rey said." Oh so how was I supposed to find out huh and you know what you already talk to a doctor, guess what you have an appointment in two days with Dr.Young" Kylo said. Rey felt tears coming out of her eyes.

Kylo ran his hand through his hair walking back and forth. "How long, how long have you been pregnant," Kylo asked. Rey looks away for a second before facing him again." Two months almost three" Rey said.  "That long and YOU DIDN'T FUCKING TEL ME" Kylo yelled.

"First of all Ben is here I won't let you curse in front of him especially argue in front of his face" Rey said. "YOU THINK I CARE A DAMN ABOUT THAT NOW" Kylo yelled. Rey turns her back at him but he grabbed her and turn her to face him. "When did you find out WHEN" He yelled.

Rey tried to get out of his grip especially since he was hurting her." You're hurting me, Ben you're hurting me" Rey cried. "I'm not letting you go till YOU TELL ME WHEN DID YOU FIND OUT" Kylo yelled. "God Ben what got into you," Rey said. "WHEN" he yelled. "I found out a week before you left for the game" Rey said.

"That long" Kylo said. He looks down at her stomach. Rey stares at his eyes looking down at her belly. Kylo lifts her shirt and ripped the plastic wrapper off her belly with all his strength hurting Rey more. She looks at Kylo as he lets go of her and walks around for a while. She turns to her son Ben who was sitting still crying and with fear in his eyes.

Kylo turns back to Rey." How am I going to tell Snoke huh, do you have any idea what he capable of huh" Kylo said. Rey walks back a little trying to grab her hand sons hand. "Kylo I thought maybe you would have found a new job" Rey said. Kylo looks at her. "What"?

"Are you crazy no really are you crazy did you JUST HEAR A WORD YOU JUST SAID HUH?" Kylo said. Rey grabs Ben and he quickly wrapped his arms and legs around him crying her shoulders. She was also crying, sobbing her eyes were red. "And to think I was smarter, but that stomach is growing alright ah huh what am I going to do with everything at work," Kylo said.

"Rey what the hell do you think Snoke might do," Kylo said. "Kylo please stop okay you're making Ben cry please stop" Rey cried." NO, I AM NOT GOING TO FUCKING STOP" Kylo said. Rey sob in her son's shoulders. Kylo turns and grabs Rey left arm holding it so right it turns purple. "Did you just call me Kylo?" He asked.

"Ow ow, you're hurting me Kylo you're hurting," Rey said." You said it again" Kylo said." I'm mad at you" Rey said." You're mad at me I should be the one who mad" Kylo said. "For what, I'm not that one who is upset because I'm carrying a baby you are because it will affect your career that what it all is, all about your career," Rey said.

"Listen to me Rey I worked hard to get that job," He said. "And I worked hard to get where I am in my career remember that not all of us had it easy," Rey said. "You think I'm going to have it easy now," Kylo said. "That is, you only care about yourself, only you" Rey said. "When a career gives you a lot of money," Kylo said." You are an idiot" Rey said.

"SHUT UP" Kylo yelled grabbing her arm even tighter. "Ow Kylo" Rey cried. Kylo wasn't the same guy as he was before, he was all about his career, and money. It was all about those two things now. Rey looks into his eyes and saw no love but anger. Rey licked her lips, tasting her tears at the processes and open her mouth to take a deep breath.

"I wish"...." Wish what" Kylo said. Rey put on a strong face and open her mouth "I wish I never married a fool like you" Rey said.

Kylo looked at her offended on what she just said. Rage and anger raised and he raised his hand. He couldn't control himself. He couldn't believe what he was about to do. But that hand that just raised in the air went flying down hitting hard on Rey cheek making her fall on the ground.

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