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And It's not like I would ever get to meet him anyway. Except maybe in my dreams.


"MOM...wake up"

Nooooo, I'm having an amazing dream, leave me alone.....

"Mooom...this is serious, come on, you have to wake up!"

I bolted upright, opening my eyes, expecting to see blood, or broken bones...something serious.

My daughter stood there looking at me, a goofy smile on her face.


"You were talking in your sleep," she snickered.

"I was not, I don't talk in my sleep..."

"Okay...if you say so. But you need to come downstairs, there's something we wanna show you"

"Yeah okay, gimme a minute and I'll be down."

She turned to walk away. "Don't go back to sleep mom. Oh, and just give Tae Tae a pillow to hug, he'll be just fine without you..."

She giggled and ran out the door as I threw a pillow at her.

Why do these kids wake up early on weekends, yet I have to drag them out of bed everyday for school? 


Fifteen minutes later, I walked into the kitchen to see my daughters sitting at the table focused on the laptop in front of them. They were giggling, and hadn't noticed me yet, so I grabbed my mug and fixed a cup of coffee, taking a sip and wondering what these girls were up to.

I walked over to the table.

"Okay, so whats so serious that you had to wake me up early on a Saturday?"

They looked up in sync...

"Wellll, ya know how BTS is doing their world tour now?..."

I nodded at them. 

"Andddd, ya know how we couldn't get tickets cause you can't afford it right now?..."

"Yes, unfortunately, and I'm sorry about that. I would have loved to go see them just as much as you both would."

"That's just it, mom, maybe we can go see them..."

"Pfftt, yeah, okay, maybe if I win the lottery!" I rolled my eyes at them. "Give up on the idea girls, besides not being able to afford it, the concert near here is already sold out."

"But mom there's a contes..."

"No, I told you, it's not going to happen..."

I cut them off before they could get too carried away with any ideas, because I hated the fact that I was disappointing them. And myself. But there was no way, it just wasn't going to happen.

Trust me, I'd thought about just saying to hell with it, and buying tickets to the concert. But I was doing what I thought was best for them. They'd understand one day, and hopefully, they'd thank me for it. 

I just hoped I didn't end up regretting this decision myself. I knew going to see BTS was a once in a lifetime experience, but we would have to wait until another time to go on that adventure. They would go on tour again, and maybe I could save up before then, and we could go, the three of us. It would without a doubt be a memory we would cherish forever.

I stuck my earbuds in my ears, and hit play on my phone, sticking it in my back pocket so it could count every step I took as I danced around the kitchen to 21st Century Girl while unloading the dishwasher...and also to drown out the protests of my daughters, who were pouting at me from across the room. I stuck my tongue out at them, and  proceeded to dance thru my morning chores, happy as could be.

Little did I know, those two girls were up to something... Something that would end up changing my life forever.

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