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"I love you, Shae..." he whispered.


"I love you too, Taehyung."

I couldn't not say it, because it was true. But I didn't think he could mean it.

We stayed like that for a few more minutes, before he insisted on moving, afraid he was going to hurt me. He rolled off me, but instead of letting go of me, he had slid an arm under my shoulders, and as he rolled, he hooked my legs with one of his, and pulled me right over on top of him.

I shrieked in surprise as I felt myself being pulled up off the bed, rolling over onto him. He was smiling, as he wrapped his arms around me, not letting me go.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, seconds before realizing I could feel him getting hard again.

I could feel his length pressing against my leg. I drew in a breath, realizing that his smile had been replaced with a look of passion, and his eyes had gone dark.

"So this is how it feels to want someone with every fiber of your being?" He whispered.

He loosened his hold on me, and I pushed myself up, sitting on him, eager to feel him inside me again. But before I could move to allow that to happen, he grabbed my hands, pulling me back down, kissing me, not with the hunger of before, but with tenderness. 

I felt his hands on my waist, his thumbs rubbing circles on my skin, moving slowly up my side's, reaching the curve of my breasts, his lips still moving against mine. He ended the kiss, and as I started to straighten up, his hands moved to cover my breasts, and I felt my nipples harden in his palms. My stomach was in knots.

His hands were warm, and sent waves of pleasure thru me. He moved one hand, only to rub his thumb across my hardened nipple, as my head fell back, and I shivered. I felt his other hand move away, and instantly missed his touch, but was sent into a state of pure bliss as he raised his head, his mouth closing over my nipple, his tongue moving over it, as his thumb continued its assault on the other. 

He sucked greedily, and I swear I almost came right then, but I was sent into another realm when I felt him bite me gently, then kiss and lick as if to make up for biting me. The noise that escaped my lips could only be described as a whimper. My insides were quivering.

I ached for him to be inside me, and moved so that I could slide down onto him, slowly, wanting to feel every part of him that entered my body. 

His hands moved to my hips, and he held them, moving with me, as we danced to music that only we could hear. It was beautiful, and it continued with the two of us looking into each others eyes, eventually reaching our climax together.

We were both exhausted. I all but collapsed, rolling beside him, his arm under me, as he pulled me against him.

Our eyes locked, and I couldn't look away. He wasn't trying to hide anything from me, and his emotions were easily read. I saw happiness, wonder, and love, but also sadness, fear and worry. My heart ached because I honestly didn't know how I was going to let him go.

I snuggled up to his side, and we both drifted off to sleep, forgetting for the moment that our time together was limited.


I opened my eyes, and inhaled deeply, realizing I was still in Taehyung's arms. I didn't want to move, but I needed to. 

It was 7:15am. 

He was still asleep, and I didn't want to wake him. I looked at him, his eyes closed softly, his lips slightly parted. He was absolutely beautiful to look at. My heart ached.

I moved carefully, working my way free of his arms, and tiptoed quietly to the bathroom. I peed, then quickly took a shower, remembering how sweaty I had been. I left the bathroom, and debated if I should return to the bedroom to get dressed, or go downstairs and have coffee, and let him sleep. I decided on the coffee, but I tiptoed into my room to grab my nightshirt, and my phone. He still slept and he looked so peaceful, that I couldn't resist the urge to take a photo of him, so I could capture it.

I slipped out of my room, and down the stairs, walking into the kitchen with a smile on my face. I knew sadness was inevitable, but I wanted to be happy at least while he was here. I would save the sadness for after he was gone. 

I fixed my coffee, and sat at the table, thinking about how things had changed in such a short period of time. Five days ago, I would have had the TV on while sitting here enjoying my coffee, watching the most beautiful man I had ever seen sing and dance, while cursing my age, as if I'd have a chance if I were younger...

And today, that man was asleep upstairs in my bed, having told me that he loves me.

My phone dinged. I picked it up, wondering who might be texting me. The only ones that ever did were my girls, and they couldn't while at camp.

It was from Jimin. 

'R u awake?'

I smiled. I knew he knew basic English from our day at the zoo, and it was cute when he spoke it.

I replied, 'I am, what's up?'

'Worried about Taehyung.'

I wasn't sure how to reply.

'I'm outside, can I come in?'

What? He was outside...

I grabbed my robe from the downstairs bathroom, tying it around me, and hurried to the door. Sure enough, when I opened the door, there stood Jimin. 

"Hi Shae." He smiled.

"Hi Jimin, please, come in. Why didn't you knock?"

 "Didn't want to wake you if sleeping. Taehyungie is still asleep, yes?"

I smiled. 

"He is. You want coffee?"

He nodded, and we walked to the kitchen. I fixed him a cup, grabbing the milk and sugar, and we sat at the table.

"I have translator, on my phone. Is it okay I use it? You can read what I say?"

"Of course." I nodded.

He spoke, then handed me his phone. I read what was on the screen.

'This allows me to speak in Korean and you to read in English, and will also translate what you say in English to Korean for me to read, in case I don't understand you."

I nodded. "Okay."

He started to speak, and I watched as the words appeared on the screen, wondering what was going to happen when Taehyung woke up, and came down to find Jimin here. Would he be angry, or glad to see him?

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