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I stood on my tiptoes, and touched my lips to his. He let go of my hands, bringing his up to my face, holding it as he deepened the kiss. My arms went around him, and I felt butterflies in my stomach, just like I did the first time he had kissed me.


We stayed like that for several minutes, not wanting to separate. I finally loosened my arms from around him, and tried to end the kiss, but he was reluctant to do so. The girls would be home around 10am the next day. I didn't know if he remembered that. I wanted to tell him. 



"my daughters..."

Peck, peck...

"will be home..."


"in the morning..."

He stopped and looked at me, smiling happily. 

"I know. I remembered. I brought them stuff." 

He raised one eyebrow. 

"Ya wanna see?" He asked, grabbing his large duffle bag from the floor, and moving into the living room. I followed him, smiling, wondering how I got so lucky.

He set it on the couch, and opened it, pulling out several things. He had a CD signed by all of them, their newest album, for each of them. He also had some BT21 characters. And he pulled out several t-shirts, and two hoodies.

"These are special," he said. "These have all been worn by the members. There's a t-shirt from each of them, and the hoodies, one was Jimin's, for Abbey, and the other was Yoongi's, for Ali. They've both worn them many times."

I looked at him in disbelief. How did he know who they liked? He rolled his eyes at me.

"I, sorta, slept in Abbey's room, and I snooped in Ali's room one day when you were in the shower. I was trying to find out who they liked. I saw that Abbey has more Jimin stuff, and Ali seemed to have more Yoongi stuff, so I decided to go with that, and hoped I was right."

I hugged him. They were going to be so excited. 

"You got it exactly right."

He smiled.

"So, what if," he said, looking thoughtful, "we go put these things in their rooms. Someplace where they will be easily seen. Then tomorrow, I'll hide just before they get here. You can send them up to put their luggage away, and then I'll sit at the kitchen table, and wait for them to come back down. Will they be surprised?" He asked.

"Oh, you have no idea..." I said. "Abbey is going to die when she finds out that the hoodie is one Jimin actually wore. I honestly think she is in love with him. The things she has mentioned here and there...I don't even think it's just a teen crush, I think she has real feelings for him. And I can't even tell her it's not possible, because...I had feelings for you before I actually met you."

He looked at me, and made a cute face. 

"Of course you did." 

I picked up a t-shirt and threw it at him.

"And Ali, she loves Yoongi, and will be just as thrilled. But don't worry, she knows she's too young for him."

He picked up the t-shirts. 

"So who does each shirt go to?" He asked, looking at each one.

"Well, there's 7, so, I'll take yours," I said, giving him a smile. "Then we'll put Jin, Yoongi, and Namjoon's in Ali's room, and Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok's in Abbey's room." 

He nodded.

I made sure the door was locked as he put everything back in the bag to carry upstairs. We went up, putting everything where it went, splitting up the BT21 characters the same way we'd done the shirts. As we were putting the stuff in Abbey's room, he stopped for a second, looking thoughtful. 

"How old is Abbey again?"

I looked at him. What was he thinking?

"She'll be 18 at the end of this month, why?"

"Is she anything like you?" He asked, raising one eyebrow at me.

I smiled at him.

"In some ways yes. Again, why?"

"Because Jimin thinks the world of you, and if you have a daughter anything like you, he might fall in love with her when he meets her."

I raised my eyebrows at him. I couldn't even believe what he was saying, because as many times as I had told my daughter that at least she had a chance because she was the right age, I never believed it could even be slightly possible. But then, I didn't think I would ever meet Taehyung either, much less be in a relationship with him. 

"Don't ever mention that in front of her. She will have a meltdown." I said, not joking even a little.

We finished with the gifts, and he seemed so excited. I could tell how much he enjoyed giving, and it just made me love him more.

We went into my room, Taehyung setting his bag on the floor. He looked at the bed. 

"Why does it look like you haven't slept here since...?" He looked at me quizzically, eyes narrowed.

"Because I haven't. I couldn't."

He pulled me into his arms, apologizing again for leaving, for hurting me. He kissed my forehead, then my nose, and finally, my lips. 

"I want to make it up to you." 

I buried my face in his neck, just breathing in the scent of him. He released me, long enough to pull my nightshirt over my head. Then he backed me up to the bed, where I had no choice but to sit. He grabbed my hands, intertwining his fingers with mine, then pushed me back onto the bed, kneeling over me, straddling my hips, as he held my hands above my head, and then he kissed me as if he were starving. 

"I've only got two days this time, so I want to spend every second loving you." He whispered. 

I was beyond happy. I closed my eyes as he kissed my neck, anticipating what was to come.

We spent the night in each other's arms, making love, holding each other, and promising to always love each other. I wasn't sure how we were going to make it work. But I trusted him. 

We finally slept, knowing I had to be up in time to meet the girls in the morning. I couldn't wait to see their faces when they saw Taehyung at the table.

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