Lions, Tigers and Bears

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Namjoon put the van in drive, and we headed off to the zoo.


The zoo Namjoon had found was 2 1/2 hours away, and it was an interesting ride, to say the least.

I wasn't able to understand most of what was being said, but the guys seemed to be bickering about something. 

Taehyung just sat quietly, not saying anything.

"Cute...ahh... clothes, you two." Jimin suddenly said.

I looked at Tae, thinking Jimin was upset about the shirt.

"I should have changed into a different shirt before we left." I whispered.

"He's not upset about the shirt, he's used to it, we all have one. He's talking about the fact that we match."

I looked at him, a bit confused. Then I Korea, couples usually wore matching clothes. I could I have forgotten that.

"So I guess that makes us a couple, right?" He said, without looking at me.

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye, and he was smiling his crooked smile.

 I wondered what Namjoon was thinking, knowing he understood everything we were saying. But he appeared to be concentrating on the road.

I leaned my head back on the seat, and closed my eyes for a minute, thinking about how lucky I was right now.


"Yay, we are here!" Jimin exclaimed, jolting me awake.

I couldn't believe I had fallen asleep. I also couldn't believe that my head was resting on Taehyungs shoulder, or that my hand was in his.

I sat up, pulling my hand free, glancing at Tae, but he just smiled.

"Just let me sleep here." Yoongi mumbled, making no move to exit the van.

"You slept all the way here, it's time to have some fun." Namjoon replied, nudging his foot with his own to encourage him to move.

Everybody climbed out of the van, and stretched. 

Jimin was hopping up and down, and Hoseok and Jungkook were dancing. 

Yoongi just stood there with his arms crossed, looking as if he'd rather be anywhere else right now. 

Jin and Namjoon were looking around, trying to figure out which way to go to get to the entrance.

I stood there watching them all, trying not to laugh, as Taehyung smiled at me. 

"Something funny?" He asked.

"Nothing" I said, but all I could think was 'here's mom, dad, and the kids...' and I wanted to strangle my girls for making me watch all those non music videos.

Finally, Jin decided we should go in the direction of the tallest building, and started walking. Everyone fell into place behind him.

Taehyung and I were last, and as we fell into step behind the rest, he grabbed my hand. I instinctively tried to pull my hand from his, but he held tight. 

"You're not getting away from me... besides, they already know."

"W...what? How?" I whispered.

"While you were asleep, they asked me...I wasn't going to lie."

"But... why would they ask?"

"They said I seemed different... and they knew something had happened."

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