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He needs to stop looking at me like that, because my insides were in a giant knot already, and he wasn't helping.


He caught up to me, grabbing my arm to slow me down.

"Why are you running away? I was only playing." 

He obviously could tell how embarrassed I was. 

"I'm sorry." He said.

"It's okay. I don't know why I reacted like that." I said, not wanting him to feel bad.

I stopped walking. 

"My girls got me this ring. They were proud of me for learning to tell all of you guys apart, so they wanted to reward me." 

He smiled at that. 

"I've been wearing it ever since, and kinda forgot I had it on."

Your so full of shit, Shae, you've looked at that ring on your finger every day up until he walked in your door yesterday.

I wasn't going to tell him that it was my favorite piece of jewelry, even though it was mass produced and there were probably a million other fans of his wearing the exact same ring.

We started walking again, side by side.

"You couldn't tell us apart?" He asked, looking amused.

"No, I couldn't. It took me two weeks to be able to tell you apart."

"But you have no problem now, I'm guessing..."

I thought about how easy it had gotten to know who was who.

"None at all, now I can tell you all apart from the back."

Omg...why did you just tell him that, you dummy

I swear I could hear him trying not to laugh. I turned my head to look at him...only to see him smiling from ear to ear.

We made it back to the house, and I grabbed two glasses and filled them with ice water, handing him one. We both drank greedily, before I took his empty glass, and put them both in the sink.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him, thinking he must be.

He hadn't eaten anything, and I didn't really have a lot of breakfast stuff, only quick things. He shook his head though, so I nodded, looking away.

I stood there, in my kitchen, trying to decide what to do. Normally I'd have my earbuds in, dancing around doing my housework. There was no way I was doing that with Taehyung here. Maybe he wanted to go out somewhere, see what was around. I lived in a very rural area, so there wasn't much, but it might be better then just sitting here...

Thinking about how much you want to say yes to his request...

"So, do you wanna do anything today? There's not much around here, but we could see what we can find."

He looked thoughtful for a minute. 

"Can we get ice cream?" He asked, looking hopeful.

I smiled.

"We can, the ice cream hut just opened up for the season two weeks ago."

He smiled happily, grabbing my hand. 

"Yayyy, lets go..." He pulled me towards the door, and I had to grab for my keys and purse as I was pulled along behind him. His long legs caused me to almost have to run to keep up.

"Slow down... I can't keep up." I said, laughing at his excitement.

We got in the car, and I headed towards town, a whopping 7 miles away. 

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