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We finally slept, knowing I had to be up in time to meet the girls in the morning. I couldn't wait to see their faces when they saw Taehyung at the table.


I woke with a start, turning to look at the clock, hoping I hadn't overslept. It was 8:30. Thank goodness. 

I looked at Taehyung, sound asleep next to me, and I smiled happily. 

I kissed his cheek. 

"Taehyung, wake up."

He opened one eye, and frowned at me.

"It's 8:30, they will be here in an hour and a half. I'm going to take a shower."

"Mm hmm," he grumbled as I got out of bed, reaching for my robe.

I got my shower, and returned to find something to wear. Tae was gone, I assumed he was downstairs already. I hurried and put on a pair of jean shorts and a black t-shirt, then threw his hoodie on over the top, since it was early, and there was a chill in the air. I found my flip flops, and hurried downstairs. He was sitting at the table, drinking orange juice, looking at his phone. 

"Jimin says hi." He said when I walked into the room.

I smiled. "Tell him hi, and thank you..."

Taehyung looked at me, and got up, coming towards me. He had on black jeans with holes in the knees, and a purple hoodie, with black work boots. I felt my pulse quicken, and wondered if that would always happen to me when I saw him.

He kissed me sweetly. "Good morning, beautiful."

I blushed. No one had ever said that to me. 

"Morning Taehyung."

"So, where should I hide when they get here?" He asked, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Also, the car I rented to get here is in the driveway."

I looked around. "How bout my office? It's right next to the bathroom. They won't go in there, not unless I'm in there and they are looking for me." 

He nodded. 

"And I'll pull my car out of the garage, so you can put yours in. They won't think anything of it."

I looked up at him, and put my arms around him, hugging him. I couldn't be any happier right now. We went and moved the cars around, then came back inside.

I made a cup of coffee, and we waited for it to get closer to 10. Finally, we saw the camp bus rattling up the road. He hurried into my office, closing the door behind him, telling me to let him know when they were upstairs.

I went into the kitchen, and tried to put a normal expression on my face. I knew I looked happy, hopefully not too happy. 

I sat at the table, drinking my coffee, looking at my phone. I heard them come in the door, dropping their stuff.

"Mom...where are you?"

"In the kitchen..." I said, as I headed towards the living room, eager to see my girls, and give them a hug. 

"How was camp? Did you have fun?"

"It was okay. There weren't as many kids as I thought that got to go to the concert...so we weren't the only ones upset about it. I made friends with a girl who says V is her bias, you got competition mom!" Abbey said, giggling.

"Hmm, she better watch out. I'm sure she's young and cute. I might have to put her in her place."

"Stop mom, you know none of us will ever have any of them, especially you."

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