Really Dreaming

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I walked away, leaving them standing there with their mouths opened, staring after me.


The girls were gone, they'd left this morning.

I'd decided to do some work for a few hours, and had just finished what I was working on for the day.

It was 2pm, and I was hungry.

I made my way into the kitchen, and opened the fridge. There was left over kimchi fried rice. Yes.

I fist pumped the air, pulling out the container. There was enough for me to have some today and probably tomorrow as well.

If the girls were still here that would not be the case.  They begged me to learn how to make it, and this was the best I could do. But it was pretty good, I think, considering. 

I popped a bowl in the microwave for a minute, then took it to the table on the other side of the island.

I sat down at the table, turned the tv on, and looked for a music video to watch. Jeepers, there are already concert clips uploaded, and it hasn't even been 24 hours since the concert. I'm not clicking, I'll wait till the girls are home and watch with them. 

I clicked on the War of Hormone video, and took a bite of my food, reminding myself that I was glad they'd talked me into learning how to make this.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. I paused the video, quite pleased with what it paused on, V looking gorgeous, as always, and I backed towards the living room, not willing to take my eyes off the tv until I had to.

Who could be at my door. I live on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere. I also have a no solicitors sign posted, I don't care for that at all. I peeked out the window that allowed me to see the driveway to see that there was a van. 

No idea, maybe they were lost.

I reached the door, and turned the knob, pulling the door opened, preparing my mind to give directions to the possible lost soul on the other side of the door.

As the door swung opened, I froze, my words catching in my throat. 

Dear God in heaven... I'm hallucinating...or I've died and gone to heaven...or I'm asleep, and having the most amazing dream ever

I blinked. Nothing changed. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't speak. All I could do was stare.

"Hi, are you Shae?" RM asked.

I was incapable of saying anything, and I nodded.

This couldn't be happening.

Jimin giggled. "Hi Shae, we are BTS..."

A tear gathered in the corner of my eye. 

Oh. My. God. They really were standing at my door. It was really them.

I finally found my voice. 

"Hi...w..what...why...oh my God..."

"Would it be ok if we came inside?" RM asked, smiling.

"Oh my gosh, o..of course, I'm so s..sorry, please, come in."

I backed up, holding on to the door for support, and watched the 7 most beautiful men I had ever seen in my life walk thru my door, each one smiling at me as he passed. V was last to enter, and he smiled and winked at me. My knees went weak, and I'm pretty sure my heart stopped beating altogether...

Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God...Why did I feel like a fifteen year old teenager?

I closed the door, and turned to see them all standing there looking at me.

"Would it be too much trouble to ask you for a glass of water?" Rm questioned. "It was a bit of a long ride to get here, and the guys are a little thirsty."

"N..not at all. Please, follow me."

I made my way towards the kitchen, the seven of them following me...

BTS is behind me, holy shit, this can't be real, I'm dreaming, and I never wanna wake up...

Belatedly, I remembered what had been on the tv, and worse, where it had paused.

Embarrassed, I glanced up to see them all with silly grins on their faces...except Taehyung, he glanced at me and smirked, then looked at the floor.

I grabbed the remote and quickly turned the TV off, hoping my face wasn't as red as I imagined it was, judging by how warm my cheeks suddenly felt. 

I carefully pulled seven glasses from the cabinet, my hands shaking nervously, then realized I needed water as well (holy crap my throat was as dry as the Sahara) and grabbed one more glass.

"Uh...I have lemonade, if you'd prefer that..."

"Lemonade?" Jimin repeated, a big smile gracing his adorable face. " Yes please." 

They all nodded in agreement, and I poured 8 glasses of lemonade, having just enough. They each grabbed a glass, drinking eagerly.

I am never washing those glasses again

I moved to the table, and they all followed, each taking a chair, and looking at Rm, waiting, I assumed, for him to speak.

"So, I'm sure you must be wondering what we're doing here," he said, his dimples appearing as he smiled at me.

I nodded, still to dumbfounded to be able to think straight.

"Well, our company had put on a contest, in which you could win tickets to our concert. All you had to do was write a letter explaining why you felt you deserved to see us in concert. The winner would get tickets to the show, and then get to meet us after."

I looked up from my trembling hands, which I had been staring at. They were all smiling at me. 

"I...I don't understand, the concert was yesterday, and I didn't write a how..."

I stopped, overwhelmed, and took another drink to hide my awkwardness.

"You didn't write a letter, but someone did on your behalf.  Unfortunately, you didn't win. We didn't get to pick the winner, but we did get to see the final 5 letters that the winner was chosen from. We all agreed that you should win, but we were overruled by the judges of the contest."

I shook my head. But who...

Oh my-lanta. I was the worst mom in the history of moms. My girls, a contest, a letter, it was all making sense now. They had tried to tell me about this contest, and I hadn't given them a chance. I felt awful. A tear rolled down my cheek, and I swiped it away.

"But if I didn't win, w..why are you here?"

"Like I said, we wanted you to win. But we couldn't change the outcome. This is our last show in the US for awhile, so now we have 10 days to rest before we head back home. We decided to spend it exploring the sites here. But we also wanted to meet you, and tell you how touched we all are by the letter that was sent in."

I didn't know what to say. I had no idea what they could have possibly written that would make these seven amazing young men think I should have won.

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