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"No more tears, okay?" He said with a smile.


I melted, literally, back into my chair. It was the first time he had spoken since they'd arrived. My insides were on fire.

Rm spoke again, pulling my attention to him.

"Shae, we have a surprise for you, if you're okay with it."

I looked at him, wondering what else could possibly be any more of a surprise.

"Your daughters mentioned in their letter that V was your favorite." 

He glanced at V, who nodded, a barely perceptible movement, but I saw it nonetheless.

My face turned 50 shades of red.

Jesus Mary and Joseph what have they done... I'm going to kill them...

"V is going to hang out here with you for a few days, whatever you're comfortable with, but only if that's okay with you."

Oh. My. God.

I glanced at V, and he appeared to be looking at the floor, but then I noticed his eyes were raised to me, and he smiled and looked away.

"Um, s...sure, I'm okay with it.

I can't think straight...what do I do, what do I say, how do I know what he's saying, what if he hates being here, how do I control myself for God's sake...

"Okay, cool, I think you two will have a nice time."

The others were already walking towards the living room, and I followed, wishing they could all stay. 

What was I saying. I could barely believe V was staying.

I have never been so nervous in my entire life.

All but Rm waved, saying bye, and filed out the door, then Rm turned to me. V was standing off to the side, and I only just noticed the knap sack on the floor by the couch.

"Are you okay?" Rm asked me, giving me a smile.

God, those dimples.

"Ah, yeah, but, how do I...will he understand me?" I ducked my head shyly, "I've been studying Korean, but I only know a few words and phrases so far"

He laughed.

"Don't worry, V is almost as good as I am at english now, he's been studying secretly with me ever since we decided we wanted to do this. He wanted to be able to speak to you. He's done really, really well, and he's getting better every day. I'm proud of him." 

He looked at V, who gave him a thumbs up. 

"You'll be fine, I promise."

He turned to V again. 

"Text me if you need anything, okay, and just let me know when your ready to leave, and we'll come get you." 

V nodded. 

"And try not to drive her crazy, okay?" 

At this, V clutched his hand to his chest and looked distraught, as if Rm's words had hurt, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine, now go," he demanded.

I felt my like my heart was going to burst, his English was so cute.

Rm nodded and waved, then disappeared out the door, closing it behind him.

I stood there, looking at the door, not knowing what to say.

"Was that kimchi fried rice I saw in the kitchen?"

Oh my God. Kim Taehyung was in my house... with me. Speaking. Just he and I. How was I going to survive this?

I turned to him, my cheeks heating up, causing me to look towards the floor.

"Uh, yeah, but its n..not that good, I'm sure it doesn't even come close to what you get at home."

"Ah, don't insult yourself. I bet its...delicious? Is that right word?"

I smiled hesitantly. "Come try some then." 

We went into the kitchen, and I grabbed the bowl and fork I had been using just to get it out of the way, even though I had barely touched mine. I was no longer hungry, because there were butterflies taking up any space I'd had in my stomach. I turned to walk to the sink, and almost bumped right into him. He took the bowl from me, brushing my hand with his fingers. My breath caught.

"T...that was my bowl, I'm going to get a clean bowl for you, and put some in to heat up."

He shook his head.

"This is fine. No need to waste it." He removed the fork, sticking it in his mouth and holding it between his lips as he stepped over to the microwave and stuck the bowl in. He hit the timer, and waited for it to beep, still holding the fork in his mouth. The fork that had been in my mouth.

Oh God help me...

He looked at me thru half closed eyes, as he slid the fork from his mouth, and stirred the bowl of rice he'd removed. He carried it to the table, and sat down...and somehow, I stood there and watched this man take a bite, chew, swallow, lick his lips, then repeat the process...and he never once said a word or looked my way, until he was done.

I was sweating.

"I was right, delicious." He smiled at me.

I didn't know if he knew the effect he was having on me, and he was doing it on purpose, or if he really had no idea and was just being himself. Either way, I had no idea how I was going to survive even one day, much less a few.

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