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I prayed it didn't change him.


We stayed like that for a long time, and I could have stayed there until the end of time. 

Taehyung had pulled the blanket over us, and aside from the mind blowing disbelief I was feeling, I felt a sense of contentment I hadn't felt in forever. 

I had finally stopped crying, my emotions calming a bit.

He kissed my forehead, then the tip of my nose, before gently kissing my lips. 

"So did I pass my first lesson?" He asked quietly.

I buried my head against his neck, loving how he smelled. 

"Mmm hmm," I mumbled against his skin, "you got an A+."

"How am I supposed to improve on that?" He asked, his face taking on a serious expression. 

I giggled, and looked at him, wondering if he was actually being serious, but he smiled, and winked at me. 

"I guess since there's no room for improvement, I'll just have to keep practicing everyday instead, so I don't forget anything."

I buried my face in his neck again to hide the blush I felt warming my cheeks, but I found myself once more wondering if he was being serious. I was torn, because part of me hoped like hell he was, but another part of me knew that if this happened every day, it would be that much harder to let him go when the time came.

It was very late, and even though I was hungry, I didn't want to move. 

But nature was also calling, and that, I couldn't ignore.

"Taehyung, I need to get up..."

"Why," he whined, "I don't wanna let go..."

My heart jumped hearing him say that, and I wished I didn't need the bathroom. 

"I gotta pee," I whispered, hearing him chuckle, as he loosened his hold on me.

I sat up, and pulling the blanket around me, I got up and headed for the bathroom. 

"Hey!" was all I heard as I pulled the blanket off him.

I glanced back, planning to laugh, but instead my breath caught in my throat at the sight of him lying there, naked. 

I hurried from the room, needing to splash cold water on my face. I went into the bathroom and closed the door, and then turned around and leaned against it, taking a deep breath, and exhaling slowly. I stood there for a few minutes, thinking about the fact that he had 8 more days before they left, wondering how many he was planning to spend here, with me. 

I relieved my bladder, washed my hands, then splashed some cold water on my face. I had dropped the blanket, and put on a nightshirt that was hanging on a hook. Grabbing the blanket, I left the bathroom, and went back to the bedroom.

He was sitting on the bed, still totally naked, looking at his phone. He looked up when he heard me come in, and he was frowning. 

"I'm probably in trouble" he said, not really looking overly concerned. 

I walked over and sat down next to him, trying not to be distracted by his body.

"In trouble...Why?"

"I have 7 missed calls, 5 from Namjoon, and 2 from Hoseok..." he said, smiling.

"Uh oh, do you think somethings wrong?" I asked, worried.

"No, probably just checking on me again. It's fine, I know they mean well. Besides, I also got a text from Jimin, so I know nothing is wrong, or he would have said so."

He turned his phone, then he remembered I wouldn't be able to read it, as it was in Korean. He smiled a silly smile, rolling his eyes.

"I will read it to you...it says 'hey asshole, you better be doing something really fun, because namjoon is not happy that your phone is off! Hope it's worth it."

I looked at him, but he was still smiling. 

"Your not worried?"

 He shook his head.

"Namjoon will just tell me not to do that again. Hoseok will probably yell at me, he's an asshole sometimes, but he doesn't bother me, and he gets over it pretty quick."

I was trying to imagine J-Hope being an asshole. I couldn't, he was always so smiley.

"Besides, Jimin did say I better be doing something really fun...and I was, so I should be not in trouble.  And if I am, well, it was worth it."

"Do you really actually get in trouble, like, with punishment?" I asked him. 

I kind of assumed all that stuff I'd seen in the video's they post was just in fun.

"Sometimes, but it's only because the hyungs worry, it doesn't bother me when I get punished, it's never anything harsh, it's all in fun. I know they only do it because they love me."

"You all are very close, aren't you?" 

I envied him for having that closeness with people who cared about him, and I loved the fact that he realized how special the bond they had was.

"We are, I couldn't be without them now, I would miss them too much, and be unhappy."

He would be unhappy without them, which is why you are going to put your big girl panties on, and let him go gracefully when the time comes.

You know it's going to happen, so start accepting it now.

I looked at the floor, keeping my emotions under control. 

"Well, I hope you don't get in trouble. Are you going to call Namjoon in the morning?"

"I am, and when I tell him why I turned my phone off, he'll forgive me."

My head jerked up, and I opened my mouth to say 'don't you dare', but he had a goofy smile on his face, and I realized he was kidding.

It was 1am, and I was suddenly tired. I yawned, and Taehyung yawned right after.

"Let's sleep, so I can hold you."

I smiled, thrilled that he wanted to hold me, and I stood up, turning to spread the blanket on the bed, watching him stand to move out of my way, and I was again blown away at the sight of his naked body. 

He walked over to put his phone back on the dresser, blessing me with a view of his back, those long legs, the sexy ass, the strong shoulders, and I forgot what I was doing. 

I stood staring at him, and I didn't care when he turned back around and saw me. 

He smiled a crooked smile, walked up to me. 

"You don't need this," he said as he pulled my nightshirt over my head, tossing it on the floor. 

He got into bed, and pulled the blanket over him, holding it up so I could climb in next to him...which I did. I snuggled up to him, his arms around me, our legs tangled together. I felt his hands rubbing my back, and before long, I fell asleep, happier then I had been in a very, very long time.

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